three times two

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nicole hursh

3:57 pm


"oh my god,"

"you idiot!"

chunk stares at us while holding the statue.

"look, it's not broken, it's perfect!" chunk replies holding it out to us.

i notice that a part of it is noticeably chipped, a huge part.

"oh my god," mikey repeats widening his eyes.

i bend over laughing and pointing at the piece that sat on the carpet as mikey frantically picks it up.

"that's my moms most favourite piece!" he shouts.

"you wouldn't be here if it wasn't," mouth pipes in with a grin as well. i laugh louder at his comment while mikey stares at the broken piece.

"shut up, mouth," mikey and brand say together.

"hey, you guys ever heard of detroit?" data asks us fidgeting with his tools.

"soitenly, motown started there, also it's the murder capital of the country," mouth says to him.

"well, let me tell you that we're moving there when we lose our house tomorrow," data tells us.

"i thought you were just moving to the town over!" i say looking to him, he replies was a shake of the head.

"shut up about this stuff, my dad will fix it," mikey tells him absentmindedly as he tries to fit the broken piece back onto the statue.

"sure he will, if he gets his next four hundred pay checks by tomorrow," brand tells him shaking his head.

"you're wrong brand,"

"mikey, it's not just going to magically fix itself back onto it," i tell him as i watch him try to fix the statue.

just then we all hear footsteps coming from the front door causing us to all turn to see mrs. walsh walk in with a lady.

"oh,!" mikey says quickly shoving the figure behind him and chunk.

"hi mom," brand speaks from his same chair.

"hi, hi, hi!" chunk calls out over his mouth full of chips, the chips that should be mine.

"hi!" i smile standing in front of her.

"hi boys, nicky, i see data dropped by," she smiles picking through her purse.

"hi mrs. walsh!" data says with a loud voice. we avert our eyes from her and turn to the woman standing next to her. she's got a scarf held tightly over her head as if she were an old lady but in contrast she looks about the same age as my own mother.

"hi, mrs. walsh," mouth says while combing through his hair like he's getting ready for school pictures or something.

"kids, this is rosalita, she's going to help me with packing until my arm is better," she says looking down at us.

"hola!" mouth shouts as if she were deaf.

"rosalita doesn't speak a word of english and i know that some of you took spanish in school..."

"i speak perfect spanish, i'd love to help!" mouth says happily.

"no way," i shake my head hoping mrs. walsh wouldn't let him translate.

"you're a lifesaver clark, come with us will you?" she asks him heading upstairs with rosalita.

once they're out of sight mikey takes out the person made of clay from behind his back.

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