three squared

3.1K 78 29

nicole hursh


"mouth, cut it out," i say as i watch him swirl the dirty water around with his finger.

"i bet it's old blood that's mixed in with the water pipes!" chunk exclaims, earning my groan once again.

"give it up chunk,"

i've gotten incredibly annoyed with chunk since he arrived at mikey's house. i can only handle him for so long in a days time.

data watches mouth carefully, probably lost in some new idea.

"mouth, i'll give you a dollar to take a drink of that," i say butting chunk out of the table conversations.

"five and i'll lick a drop," he tells me, looking me dead in the eye.

"ten to take a full sip," i declare, grinning.

he raises the glass to his mouth and i watch the liquid go down his throat.

"ah, sick!"

"man, now i gotta get my tetanus shot," mouth says shaking his head and keeping his tongue out of his mouth.

i laugh at him and stare at the nasty water. particles float in it, making it look dirtier than a river.

"where's mikey at?" i shake my head with a grin on my face as i reel back to reality with our surroundings.

"worried about your loverboy?"

"mouth!" i yell through my teeth with wide eyes. data and chunk were listening to us and heard what he was saying.

"oh, as if data couldn't tell. he's one of the smartest in the group! and chunk isn't gonna say anything, huh chunk?"

"what?" chunk asks still staring at the water glasses.

"nothin'," i tell him, standing up from my chair and walking to the counter.

"fix me up a drink, can ya? i'm having a long day," i say to the man that just came from the way mikey left.


the front door opens wide and brand comes in, looking around as if he were worried.

"seriously?! what're you guys doing here? mom's going to kill me, where's mikey, huh?" brand speaks a mile a minute.

"he's in the bathroom, round that corner," i inform him with my eyes on the alcoholic drink the mans still making for me.

just as brand walked over to the basemen entrance, mikey appears basically tripping upstairs.

"mikey, why can't you stay at home. let's get out of here right now. let's get out of here!" brand talks grabbing the hood of his jacket, dragging him towards the door.

i laugh and raise my glass, having it taken away from brand before it even reaches my lips.

"let's go," he mumbles grabbing my arm as well.

the rest of the boys follow and i argue against brand.

"hey! watch yourself! you might be older but you're not my father," i tell him eyeing the surroundings. the grass is so green it looks like a postcard from ireland, not to even mention how drizzly it looks outside.

the door behind us slams, and we're released from brand's death grip.

"gee brandon, i was gonna come, just after i replenished my thirst," i tell him with a snicker.

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