four times two

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nicole hursh

5:49 pm

"nicole, c'mon," mikey whines pulling me downstairs. i heard a commotion and saw chunk with data surrounding brand, who's tied in his chair with his exercise equipment.

"oh this is priceless," i say laughing along with mouth at the sight.

"that's gonna hurt if you stretch it too much brand, try not to let it pinch your nipples," i laugh running after the boys who are springing out of the front door. i snatch brands baby blue rain coat off the rack to wear before leaving him in solitude and the sweet sound of cyndi lauper.

"nicky! don't you dare walk ou- nicky!" i hear him call after me but i was already running down the steps and getting my converse covered in mud. it's a good idea to wear these shoes over my keds for today, mikey plans on biking far away.

"mikey! my bikes at my house," i call out looking towards it.

"well hurry and get it, we'll wait," he tells me. i run to my house that was diagonal from the walshes and grab my bike quickly from the garage.

i stop in my tracks when i see two girls from school at the end of my driveway. heather and melanie.

"uh, excuse me," i say trying to walk past.

"wait, nicky," mel calls to me.


"wanna go dress shopping sometime? for the dance?" heather asks me while smiling. did the school poison the water supply today? why was heather gebb asking me to go dress shopping?

"why in the world would i want to do that?"

"you're going to the dance right? with richie?"

"no, i'm not. i swear if richie is going around saying i said yes and embarrassing me," i say as i narrow my eyes.

"no, we just heard he's going to ask you, and we assumed you said yes. he does like you a lot," mel tells me while looking at heather. they share a look that can be defined with a clear lipgloss. hold up a clear lipgloss as analogies for looks and that's the one they gave each other.

"noted, and i said i didn't want to go with him,"

"so what? are you going to get mikey to take you or something? i don't even get why you hang out with all of those boys," heather says to me frustrated. i turn to see the gang waiting at the curb, conversing with each other.

"they're my best friends, and this is fun and all but i've got to get going!" i call to them, hurrying to ride off. i make my way down the slightly damp sidewalk to them as fast as i can.

"what'd they want?" mouth asks pointing his chin at the girls.

"they wanted to, and i quote, 'go dress shopping for the dance'," i say to them grinning widely.

"girls," mouth groans as we all turn to bike down the road. the rain stopped just a bit ago and the sun peaks through the tall and green trees.

"oregon's not so bad, huh," i call out to chunk with a smile.

"you bet!" he calls back from behind me. chunk and i are the slowest bike riders in the gang. i'm mostly viewing the scenery around me and chunk's mostly complaining about whatever's on his mind.

mikey's in the front with mouth yelling over the wind about whatever we're supposed to be doing.

mikey's got some sort of a map attached to his bike basket, as he's holding the rock he found into the air.

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