Death Valley

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This story is (as far as I can tellbecause it gets hard to keep track) Volume 12 of Batman AlternateUniverse. Thus, I recommend highly that you go back and read Bat andAlf One Shots before you read this. That said, I also want people tobe able to just hop in, and this story really isn't thatcomplicated, so I'll fill you in...

Bruce Wayne and Alfred are bothwomen. Bruce is 18, spent her fifteenth year with the League ofShadows, flunked initiation and has been fighting them, amongst othercriminals, ever since as The Bat. She has a bacon obsession.

Alfred is a 22 year old butler ofPolynesian and British descent. She has dated the Penguin andDeadpool, but neither of those relationships have gone very well forher.

Kara, a.k.a Supergirl, who you willsee later in the story, is 26 and currently dating Oliver Queen aka.Green Arrow.

That's about it I guess. Feel freeto ask questions, or go back and read previous stories! Other thanthat, enjoy!


Chap 1: Death Valley

The Death Valley salt flats of California. The white salty earth beneath them seemed to go on for miles, stretching off towards the clear sky that was the exact same color as tobacco smoke when it came out of the Batbong.

The air was dry and the sun hot on their skin as the two women stood together in the middle of the desert. Sitting before them, gleaming in the desert sun was the sleekest, blackest vehicle ever conceived by mankind.

Alfred and Bruce, both wearing aviators like a pair of bad-asses, looked upon the work of art with grave expressions.

"This is it?" Alfred asked, the hem of her loose white cotton dress lifting and shifting across her bare legs with the slight breeze that blew by.

Bruce snorted, her arms crossed over her black tank-top clad chest. "Fuck yeah, it is! It's got a chain driven turbo charger, 0 fucking miles and an on-board bacon frying system!"

Alfred raised an eyebrow, impressed. It was sleek and aerodynamic, with a hood and cab one would expect to see on a Corvette, with Tiger Paw tires and two flowing stripes of gold that started at the front tires and went back to form cursive letters that spelled: Ladies only.

And on the scoop, where Alfred expected to see the carburetor sticking up like on a stock car, instead there was a shiny toaster looking thing with wings and three crystal spouts.

"Sir." Alfred said, narrowing her eyes and coming in for a closer examination. "Is that the high-tech resonating quadrilateral defunktoring six-cylinder jellyfoo?"

"Exactly, my dear Watson." Bruce said smugly. "The thing is just about as useful as sunglasses to a blind man, but just like the sunglasses, it makes things look cool." She jerked her head towards the doors. "Wanna see what it's like inside?"

Alfred headed towards the driver's side before Bruce stopped her with an arm and a shake of the head. "Not this one, Alfie. This here is my sexy, I'm driving."

Alfred rolled her eyes and complied, heading around to ride shotgun. Bruce had been telling her about this street car that she was having Fox's team make custom for her for several months now. The car was now finished, so Alfred and Bruce had flown all the way out to California, and then taken a helicopter to Death Valley, where Fox's team had delivered the car so that they could give it a full test drive.

Alfred slid in as Bruce was rolling down the windows. She looked around to see that she was sitting on a full black leather covered seat, and that the whole interior was either black or chrome.

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