Chapter 2:

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When Catia and Caspianta arrived home, their mother was waiting for them.
"Where have you been!" she scolded. "Actually, I know where you've been Catia, off with your swords. But did you convince Caspianta to join you? Shame! Do you have any idea what time it is? Don't answer that. You should have been home an hour ago! Now It's time for dinner, and you two can't finish your chores afterwards because it will be dark. You'll just have twice as many tomorrow then! Now, come inside."
"Impressive." Catia muttered under her breath. "That took at least five minutes."
"Oh hush," Caspianta scolded. "She was only worried, and rightly so."
"Yeah, yeah. I know." Catia sounded unrepentful, but she really did feel bad and resolved to get home a little bit early tomorrow to help.
The girls headed inside to get dinner, which was a delicious rabbit stew and some crisp sourdough bread, to be finished by a flaky apple pie. Despite all her worrying and watchfulness, their mother was an excellent cook.
"Thank you Mother!" Caspianta exclaimed when she saw the pie.
"You can thank me by doing the dishes after we eat it." Her mother retorted. Both girls groaned.
After dinner and cleaning up, Catia, Caspianta, and their mother say down to prepare for a relaxing evening in front of the fire. But before that occured, a surprise was in line.
"Guess what Cat, Cass?" their mother asked.
"What?" both girls exclaimed excitedly.
"Do you remember what happens in a week?"
Both girls took a moment to remember. Then, being twins, they did so at the same moment.
"The Fall Festival!" they squealed.
"I can't believe I forgot!" Catia exclaimed.
"Yes. And since it's so soon, you must get started on your contributions." her mother reminded.
Each year, when the Fall Festival was held in Palantia Valley, villages from all over would gather together to celebrate the collecting of the harvest. Each person that came was expected to being some talent, craft, or skill to present. These presentations took up most of four days at the festival, which lasted for a week.
"Oh I already know what I'm doing." Catia said confidently.
"What?" Caspianta asked.
"An archery demonstration on horseback. I'm going to ride on Jewp'fawo."
"That should be interesting." Caspianta said sarcastically.
"Oh yeah. It'll be better than yours!"
"Wanna bet?"
The girls mother intervened before the argument could persist. When she got up to fetch wood for the fire though, Catia mouthed to Caspianta,
"Five crowns I place higher than you do."
"It's on." Caspianta whispered back.
They shook hands and quickly went back to what they were doing as their mother walked into the room with a armful of kindling.
"What were you doing?" she asked suspiciously.
"Nothing," they replied innocently.

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