(Lucaya and Riarkle Story)
RebelHart: Maya Hart
Lucasfriar: Lucas Friar
SmileyRiley: Riley Mathews
GeniusFarkle: Farkle Minkus
ZayTheGreat: Zay Babineaux
SmartieSmackle: Isadora Smackle
Just One of those Instagram Stories. Kinda like Snapchat b...
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328 Likes @GeniusFarkle: I finally got the girl!!! @smiley_riley __________
@smiley_riley: @geniusfarkle finally got the greatest guy ever!!!
@rebel_hart: @smiley_riley I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! You guys are so cute together!!
@lucasfrair: @rebel_hart Wow Maya, you did guess it.
@rebel_hart: @lucasfrair Do I know my best friend or what?! By the way, I still want my twenty bucks Huckleberry.
@lucasfriar: @rebel_hart Yeah yeah... whatever.
@zaythegreat: @lucasfrair Riley... I'm crushed... I thought I was the greatest guy ever!!!
@smiley_riley: @zaythegreatSorry Zay. You're sill great... but now I'm dating Farkle and....
@rebel_hart: @smiley_riley And they are freaking cute together so don't try to ruin this moment Zay or I swear you will not like the outcome.
@geniusfarkle: @rebel_hart Speaking of not liking the outcome, Lucas can I talk to you?
@lucasfrair: @geniusfarkle Sure Farkle.
A/N: Hey guys. So the next chapter will be the conversation between Lucas and Farkle.
Let Me know how you guys like this story and tell me if I should continue with it. I'm not getting a lot of reads or votes so let me know what you guys think. Also tell me what you think I should change if you don't like some things. Plus is it Spring Break for you yet? I still have the whole rest of the week and then I'm off!!!!