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@smileyriley: When somebody says that you're best friend is also their best friend. There is only one @rebelhart and she is mine @bradleysperry so back off

@rebelhart: @smileyriley Don't worry Riles you will always be my #1 best friend

@bradleysperry: @smileyriley Yeah I didn't mean to upset you

@smileyriley: @bradleysperry Oh you didn't upset me

@geniusfarkle: @bradleysperry Yes you did upset her

@zaythegreat: @lucasfriar So when is the party for Maya

@lucasfriar: @zaythegreat Oh you didn't get a text

@rebelhart: @zaythegreat Well this is awkward

@geniusfarkle: @zaythegreat Who's going to tell him

@zaythegreat: @rebelhart Tell me what

@rebelhart: @zaythegreat How can I tell you that you aren't invited in the nicest way possible

@zaythegreat: @rebelhart WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!!!!

@lucasfriar: @zaythegreat Zay they are kidding

@zaythegreat: @lucasfrair How do you know cowboy

@lucasfrair: @zaythegreat We're both from Texas

@zaythegreat: @lucasfriar That's irrelevant at this point in time

@bradleysperry: @lucasfriar Wait so can I come to the party

@smileyriley; @bradleysperry I don't think thats a good idea

@geniusfarkle: @smileyriley Why he's only Maya's friend

@smileyriley: @geniusfarkle Exactly, he's Maya's friend. I don't want to share her at her birthday party and I don't want to be replaced

@rebelhart: @smileyriley Riles, Bradley will never replace you and I don't want you to be miserable at my party. Hell I already am so you have to be my ray of sunshine

@smileyriley: @rebelhart Ok I guess I'll be fine then

@bradleysperry: @rebelhart So I can come

@rebelhart: @bradleysperry You'll have to ask Lucas he's kinda the one in charge bc I do not want a party but they have insisted on it

@lucasfriar: @bradleysperry I wouldn't mind if you came Bradley

@bradleysperry: @lucasfriar Would you mind if I brought my girlfriend

@lucasfrair: @bradleysperry Sounds even better

@zaythegreat: @lucasfriar Can I come Lucas

@zaythegreat: @lucasfriar Ok don't answer it's fine. Not like I'm going to cry myself asleep or anything

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