The Void of Darkness Calls to be Home to Me.

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If one was to kill the dark,
Would their happiness still be stark?
With every inhale and every exhale,
Would their pain be stripped away?

Oh, how I wish this could happen to me,
No one knows how dearly I wish to be set free.
I call it my Hometown, full of darkness.
With no colour besides my dirty blonde tresses.

I cry out in a plea,
But it comes out as a silent scream.
Even though I've set my soul on fire,
My want for freedom is still full of desire.

The void of darkness calls to be,
More than just a home to me.
I go there when I'm alone and silent,
Even though I know that the quiet is violent.

I know that I've never had a halo,
Seeing as I've lost to this darkness solo.
I never could win,
I never could defeat my personal world of sin.

I've never seen a white colour of light,
Only the darkness that's full of my plight.
I only want a world that's kind,
Even though my thoughts will never unwind.

Broken glass is on the floor with blood,
My blood that is starting to flood.
I cry tears of crimson with them falling down,
Seeing the darkness wear its crown.

The void of darkness calls to be,
More than just a home to me.
I go there when I'm alone and silent,
Even though I know that the quiet is violent.

My feelings are bottled up inside,
Making my world thrive without pride.
I want to feel emotions, I really do,
But I can't since my world is dark too.

My anxiety has worsened over the years,
Making my mind less and less clear.
I know I have no friends to help me,
Which is most likely why I'm not free.

I wish there was someone who truly cared,
They wouldn't just stand there and stare.
People wonder why I listen to music,
I do it to get lost in each lyric.

The void of darkness calls to be,
More than just a home to me.
I go there when I'm alone and silent,
Even though I know that the quiet is violent.

I wish to end it all most days,
But something always tells me to stay.
The world hates me, is what I know,
So why doesn't it want to let me go?

Nobody loves me,
Is what my mind wants me to believe.
The darkness is full my cries and screams,
But it's always silent in the trees.

All around me is a crimson liquid, completely wet,
Wrapping my thoughts into a net.
I know for sure I'll never escape,
So I'll forever call this my Hometown place.

The void of darkness calls to be,
More than just a home to me.
I go there when I'm alone and silent,
Even though I know that the quiet is violent.

Screaming out never seems to help,
Since the darkness silences it to a yelp.
The darkness has me sealed in its fate,
Which will never let me escape this state.

The street is a dark place,
Not filled with even a single face.
The only sound is my loud sigh,
Letting the darkness come nigh.

The darkness is in me everyday,
Knowing that with me it can get its way.
I just let it full me now,
And the crimson colour shall turn brown.

The void of darkness calls to be,
More than just a home to me.
I go there when I'm alone and silent,
Even though I know that the quiet is violent.

And I say to you, in the end,
"Please don't let me be gone,
And let me be your friend."
And these words shall shake you to the bone.


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