How did I get here?

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I'm sitting on a lake's dock,
the water's peaceful and the sun's setting.
My feet are dangling over the edge,
the breeze is lightly skimming the area.

I'm not sitting alone, though.
I have someone that I love,
A friend I can call a sister,
and a whole bunch of friends I call family.

I still have my family, of course,
but home life's always hard.
My mom's always sick,
and my grandmother's getting old.

I just breathe in the fresh air,
soaking in the moment of peace.
the girl I love sits right down beside me,
and lays her head on my shoulder.

I look up at the sky,
knowing that those who've passed are watching me.
I know they aren't proud of some of my decisions,
but I'm proud that they've kept me here for this.

Because this moment?
I wouldn't pass it up for anything.
I know I can't walk or hear the best as everyone else,
but life has a new meaning to me.

How did I manage to get here?
I'm not popular, not pretty by society's standards.
I'm just, well me.
The softie at heart that acts like a 13 year old boy.

But then I remember the people in my life.
They helped me persevere.
They've seen me break down and cry,
and they've seen me scream in joy.

I don't know where I would be without them.
Too much hardship has happened to me;
Abuse, being abandoned, and close relative's deaths.
They've helped me live on and be a survivor.

I'm glad I'm still here and in the sunlight.
I got help, but I'm out of that dark tunnel.
How did I get here?
Well, I didn't do it alone, that's for sure.

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