Like an Open Book

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I'd like to thank the people who've read this for the past two years, I've matured a lot since I first began. Now on to the poem.

On the outside,
a bright and vibrant cover-up.
Protecting and shielding the contents inside,
the truth beyond what you'll believe.

Remove it, but what would you see?
Would you see a person broken beyond belief?
Someone that's trying to please?
Or one that's as happy as the cover suggests?

I see a little girl.
A child who has no worries,
and rarely any problems to come by.
Still clutching on tight to her pink teddy bear.

But, she's not even perfect.
She can't hear as well as the others, but still goes on.
She isn't strong due to her nerve disease,
but she doesn't let it bring her down.

Fast forward a few chapters in,
She's older and full of regrets.
She's slowly hiding the little girl away,
living in fear of her truth.

She's scared of the world around her,
she's worried the people she loves will leave.
She can't even trust the person that took care of her,
and all she wants is for the pain to relieve.

She's grown up without a father,
the father that walked multiple times.
She knows she has siblings that she loves,
but it hurts knowing that she'll never see them again.

Fast forward a year and she's not the same,
she's not even a she and they go by a different name.
They're too scared to even tell the truth,
worried what somebody will do if they find out.

They look in a mirror and look into their own eyes,
you can see the pain, the taxing upon the time.
The blue-green eyes are now gray anymore,
with nothing but huge waves crashing upon the shore.

Their mind hurts and their body is heavy,
they don't want to go on, they're just not ready.
But that night everything seems to change,
they survived something that brought them pain.

It's almost a year later,
they found out how much that love can hurt.
They haven't let it bring them down,
and for once their face can go without a frown.

Pain been something they've experienced for years,
but they're starting to conquer their own fear.
The darkness seems to have subsided for now,
happiness is finally experienced again.

The book is finished,
the pages all have been read.
The bright vibrant cover is closed,
and everything that needs to has been said.

What is this book you may ask?
Why it's about me,
what I've gone through.
What I have achieved.

Sure, it didn't mention the music,
or the dancing,
or the reading and writing,
or my family and friends.

All that matters is that it's my story,
that it's my truth,
that I'm not scared,
and I won't stay quiet anymore.

I want to be heard,
and I want to be there for people.
I might not have a gender,
and I might be seen as disgraceful.

You can see me however you want,
it's not going to bring me down.
I don't care what you say behind my back,
I'm the one who's not going to be unheard.

People need to hear my story,
I just want to motivate them.
I know more people besides me are having a hard time.
And I can see the world differently now.

I know I can't help everyone,
but I want to try my best.
I guess I can be read like an open book,
it's what I've gone through that stands above the rest.

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