Freedom of Imagination

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Close your eyes and dream with me,
Let everything that's bothering you disappear and free.
I feel relieved without the list,
And what I'm beginning to see is this:

Warm, bright sunlight,
And not a single cloud in sight.
The wind is blowing softly and slow,
The morning dew leaving a grass's glow.

The sky is blue and the ocean is serene,
It almost feels like something of a dream.
The waves are crashing and the trees are shaking,
The smell of barbecue passes those wading.

The sand is soft against the feet,
The billows of a white skirt being unable to beat.
Blonde hair flowing lightly in front of the face,
Laying upon shoulders of beautiful lace.

Blue-grey eyes and the horizon meet,
The silky sand becoming a soft seat.
The world is quiet without any sound,
And those who're lost are now found.

I can close my eyes and set myself free,
Dreaming of something I wish I could be.
But when the time comes to open my eyes again,
I'll be at peace and released of sin.

~Kenna H.

-Went to District Speech and got a division 2

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