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Stefan and Damon look at each other and both of them walk to the door, until they open it and see the one person they never wanted to see...ever again

Katherine: Hello Brothers (she smiles and looks at the brothers who fell in love with her along time ago)

Stefan: Katherine (his eyebrows smash together)

Damon: no, no, no, no

Katherine: rude

Stefan: what are you doing here Katherine?

Katherine: well someone doesn't sound to happy to see me, and there's only 3 reasons why

Damon: tell us

Katherine: that's for me to know and for you to dot, dot, dot (she smiles)

Damon: damn it Katherine, I swear to god if you hurt any of them I will cut your throat and feed it to the werewolves

Bonnie: Damon it's okay we can do this, together (she smiles and kisses him)

Katherine: wait, did I miss something?

Damon: no, not at all

Katherine: well I just thought that you loved Elena, Damon but I guess Elena already chose, I love being right

Stefan: Katherine, tell us why your really here

Katherine: and why should I?

Damon: because if you don't I will be gladly delightful to Kill you (he smirks)

Katherine: okay well do it

Damon: (vamp speed to Katherine)

Stefan: (looks at Bonnie for help)

Bonnie: Damon!!

Damon: what?!!!

Bonnie: stop

Damon: bon bon, she needs to die

Bonnie: not until she tells us why she's here

Elena is tired of hearing everyone talking and goes up to Katherine

Katherine: well if it isn't precious Elena Gilbert

Elena: future Mrs. Salvatore actually

Katherine: (looks angry) what?!!

Elena: yeah me and Stefan are gonna have a wedding in march

Katherine: oh really?

Elena: yeah

Katherine: well I will happily be there

Elena: I'm sorry, who said you were invited

Katherine: me

Elena: sorry but your not

Katherine: (vamp speeds to Elena and almost snaps her neck)

Stefan: (grabs Katherine's arm) stop, Katherine

Katherine: (looks at Stefan and turns around, she talks to herself, he still makes me jealous after all these years) fine, ill see y'all later

Stefan: (turns to Elena) so... (bends on one knee) Elena Gilbert, you are my rock, you have stood by my side through my ripper problems and guess what hon, you are the most beautiful amazing women I've ever met, will you-

Elena: (starts to cry and jumps on Stefan's lap) yes!! (Kisses him)

Stefan: (smiling while kissing his future wife) I love you so much

Elena: I love you more

Caroline: (smiles and looks down)

Matt: (hugs her) your gonna fall in love with someone else (he whispers)

Bonnie: (walks towards Damon and hugs him)

Damon: (kisses her head and looks at his brother who's gonna get married to his soon to be sister-in-law)

This one is short, I'm sorry,I'm kind of busy but hopefully I'll comeback on ❤️ bye guys

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