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Genevieves pov

I looked at Zoom as he paced around. "Who are you? Really", he looked at me from the other side of the cage - his mask was still covering his face. I watched as he zoomed in front of me - his face was now inches from mine, I didn't even flinch.

I was tied to a wooden chair by chains that sat so tightly around my wrists that the chance of them not leaving a mark was at about 0,5%.

Then his hand moved to under his mask as he ripped it off. Revelaing his pale skin, his blue eyes and his blonde hair. I looked at him with hatred.

"Jay", he smirked at me as he fazed into the cage - his thumb reached my cheak. I tried to doge his touch but it was to no use since I was bound to a chair. "I understand why he is so fond of you", I looked at him with pure hatred in my eyes. "Why are you keeping me here Jay?", he stood up and shrugged.

"First off, my name is not Jay - it's Hunter, and secondly-", he looked down at me flurtaciously and placed his cold hand under my chin. " Because he loves you, and well - you're not unattractive", I gave him a disgusted look as I tried to get out of his grip. I tried to get out of the handcuffs but it was to no use.

"You can always try but those handcuffs are made by the worlds strongest material so I would not say that it would be easy", I gave him the most hatefull look that I possessed.

" You will be staying here for a while, so make yourself comftroble", then he was gone. It was just me and the man with the metall mask.

I looked over at the man in the cage - his face was coverd by a metall mask. He tapped on the glass cage furiously. My eyes widened with realisation.

"It's a code! Your trying to tell me something!"


Five minutes later, Zoom appeared again - and he was not happy to say the least. His mask was now covering his pale face.

"If you try to speak to her again, it will be the last time that you do anything!", he turned away from the man in the cage and zoomed over to me.

" I wonder what the belloved Barry Allen would think if his girlfriend wasn't in the best condition when she reached home" ,I looked at him - confused because I did not know what he would do. Would he starv me? Would he hurt me?

Then - he zoomed out of the room - just before I felt a needle get injected into my neck. Then, the world around me started to spin. I felt myself getting dissier and dissier. I also felt this pain in my body, I felt how I got weaker and weaker. Finally my body hit the concrete floor - I looked down at my legs to see them getting thinner and thinner. Than wounds started appearing on my body - he took my powers from me.

I looked over at the metall man to see him standing with his hands pressed against the glass. As he started to get blurrier, I felt my voice get smaller and smaller. Before it was gone I spoke one last word to the metall man - "help me"... Then, everything went black.

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