Test Tubes

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Things weren't working out with Tyrelle, but I knew I needed a girlfriend. I picked Mackenzie Alabaster.

She was hot. I'm not trying to sound weird but she was. She had blonde hair and tan skin. I loved her so much.

Although my mind was preoccupied with finding this technology to make me and my mother live forever, I still made time for Mackenzie.

It was the end of seventh grade when I finally decided what I would do to make my mom live with me forever. I would have to make her immortal.

I had read in a magazine about these things doctors had just released that cost hundreds of dollars but they were spheres that could make people immortal. Most people didn't buy them; either they didn't have enough money or didn't want to live forever. But I wanted a few. One for me, both my parents, and Kenzie. Or whoever my girlfriend would be. First, I had to get a job.

I sat at my computer until midnight three nights in a row designing flyers. I put my number and "Need an Assistant? Call Tyrian Ruce!"

Of course, the first person that called was the old man who lived three-doors down from me.

He had gray, bushy eyebrows and he was bald. He also had a beard like Santa Claus, but he was skinny. He always wore a pair of overalls and old, beaten-down black converse. My mother let him in and he explained why he was at our house.

"I need an apprentice. For housework and stuff, you know. I'll pay well," he said. When he smiled, it looked friendly but there were gaps where his teeth had fallen out.

So, I became apprentice to him.

When I first arrived at his house, there was stuff all over. I heard a banging noise in the kitchen and it startled me.

"Oh Tyrian. You're here," I heard.

I started into the kitchen. There were test tubes all over his counters and smoke was billowing from a few of them.

"Sir, why do you have these?" I asked.

He turned to face me and said "Phyl. The name is Phyl. And I'm a scientist of course!"

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