Home Ec

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Alex ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Eighth Grade was so weird. I had Home Ec that year, and I hated the teacher. She was so annoying. I scanned around the classroom, not seeing Peter, and my shoulders slumped. I needed to ask him about football practice.

She had the room set up with circle tables and four chairs around each table. I sat across from the funniest kid in the grade, and between Alexis Treaty and some other girl I had never met. Her name was Andrea, and she had curly brown hair, with the ends being blue.  She was always grumpy and she was also quite mean.

I guess this is how Alex and I became friends. The teacher, with short hair and buck teeth, would stand at the front of the room talking about what she did over the weekend and Alexis and I would chat about sports and other stuff.

It was great. I had finally made acquaintance to the most mysterious girl in my grade.

Every Wednesday night, she and I would study or do homework together. She had no problem with me spending time with Phyl.

I would go grocery shopping with him and we would talk physics. You know, how to design it so that everything works.

Blueprints are no easy thing, let me tell you. We started the drawing but things were going slow due to the fact that I had school everyday except weekends. So I had to fit parents and Phyl into my schedule, along with my other friends, like Alexis. I didn't talk to Peter much after football season ended. I don't think he thought I was worthy of his company.

I honestly couldn't care less about Peter Rumafello. The immortality machine meant more to me than that boy.

And so, I spent all of eighth grade suffering in Home Ec alongside Lexi, and hanging with Phyl.

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