Twilight and Summer Break

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The summer before our first year of high school was the best. I spent most of the time with Phyl and Alex.

The first time I brought Alex to Phyl's house, it was like they were instantly best friends. She knew Phyl was a scientist but we didn't tell her about the immortality machine. We figured it was too risky.

This was the summer that Alex decided to read the dreaded Twilight. After she finished the book, she and I would go to Phyl's house and we would watch the corresponding movie. Phyl had read the entire series, but I hadn't, so I would listen to the two of them dilly dally and talk about the things that made them mad.

One day, I went in the cleaned kitchen to make popcorn before the movie and when I came back they were talking.

"So, you like Edward or Jacob?" That was Phyl's voice.

"I like Edward! Jacob is like, younger than Bella," Alexis replied.

"Oooooh you're a Team Edward. I see how this is. Oh just wait until New Moon. Edward does something very jerkish in New Moon."

With that, the conversation was over.

And then the time to watch New Moon came around.

Both of my friends were now Team Jacob, or whatever. They would go on about how he would "never hurt Bella!"

And then came the other funny moment with the two of them. Phyl had paused the movie and Lexi said, "Oh we were just getting to the good part where Edward almost dies! Celebration!" Even though I had no clue what she was talking about, I was laughing until I hurt.

And then there was the emotional part where she read Eclipse. I had Phyl crying on my left shoulder and Lexi crying on my right. I sat there, watching Bella pick Edward over Jacob and I realized I had a similar decision.

I could pick my popular life. I had Peter and the clan, although I hardly talked to them now. They wanted me to hang out with them again. It was a normal life, and one I should be living.

Or there was my life with Phyl and Alexis. There was some risky parts to this plan, such as telling Alex the truth. But it was where I wanted to be.

I found myself as Bella, caught in the middle of who I should be and who I was.

Being popular was like being with Jacob. It's who I should be.

But being with Phyl and Alexis was like being with Edward. It was who I was. And nobody could change me.

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