Chapter 4

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Please check out my other book Tulare. Make sure to read Zerrie before We Are Who We Are.

Erin xx


Nathan’s POV

Our next classes are English, History and then Science. I have almost every class with Aalia because I moved english classes to hers. But Math and Science were all full so I couldn’t move.

“So how was music?” Jack asks as I sit down at the stainless steal tables with Aalia.

“Alright, what about you?” I ask him picking at my tray of food.

“Oh, Mr Lockwood fell off his wheely chair after Cody loosened the screws and the back rest fell off.” He laughs.

Cody is the schools bad boy, he has been suspended 3 times. Last year he brought a lighter to school and set the grass on fire. He also through a chair across a room, along with throwing a rubber into the ceiling fan. It bounced off the fan then only just missed Mr Lockwood's head.

“Did you film it?” I laugh.

“No, but Dylan did. We will show you later.” He goes back to eating.

I look to Aalia, who is talking with Chelsea.  I turn back to Jack.

“You like her don’t you?” He smirks.

“Well, da. But I have never done the whole dating thing before.” I have never had a girlfriend before. I have had a crush on a few girls but nothing ever serious.

“Well while your out with her tonight, sit down and talk about it. Tell her how you feel.” He explains.

“But what if she doesn't like me like that.” All the girls i tend to like don’t like me back.

“Trust me she likes you. It is really obvious, just the way she looks at you.” Jack laughs.

The bell to head off to class rings so I carry my tray to the bin and walk to English with Aalia. 


Aalia’s POV

“So what were you talking about with Chelsea?” Nathan asks me as we walk to English class. We have to stop at our lockers first.

“Oh, just handbags.” I lie. We were actually talking about tonight. She kept saying that he likes me and he will kiss me and all, but I doubt it.

“What about you?” I ask him stopping at my locker which happens to be 3 down from his.

“Just skateboards.” He was talking about skateboards all lunch, how boring. 

We walk through the door and take our seats waiting for Mr Rose. He is always late, because he likes to talk to everyone he passes in the hallways. 

In the classroom, there is almost clear groups. At the front near the board, is a group of 3 boys who look like nerds. Glasses, checkered shirts and suspenders. The classic look.

Behind them is 4 girls in pink, gossiping. They look like the bitches of the school, the ones who get all the guys because they’re pretty.

Isabel and Nick are sitting behind them with two other girls and one guy. Then there is Jay and my brother, Hunter. How are we in the same class. He must have moved as well because yesterday he wasn’t in the class.

Nathan and I are sitting with Dylan and Chelsea, one row from the back. Behind us is about 6 guys wearing black, with ear piercing. They would be classed as the schools bad boys. The ones that are always in trouble or suspended.  Not the kind of people I like to hang with.

Mr Rose walks in carrying a laptop case over his shoulder and a stack of books in his hands.

“Morning, class.” He greet placing the stack of books on the desk.

 “Today we are starting, to learn about the first fleet. It started in England and finished in Sydney, Australia. It carried millions of convicts and animals."He writes First fleet on the white board and then underlines it.

“Does anyone know anything about the first fleet?” He asks turning back to the class. Me and 3 other people put our hands up.

“Aalia?” He asks.

“There was only one boat and some of the convicts were there because they stole as little as a loaf of bread.” I explain.

“Very good. Anyone have anything to add?” He asks the class.

“No, ok moving on.” He turns around and picks up a textbook. He flicks through a few pages then puts it down and picks up a pile of papers. He hands them out to everyone in the classroom.

“Please complete these. Whatever isn’t done in class do at home.” He explains  and walks back to his desk and sits down. He pulls out his computer as everyone starts to do the worksheet.


Perrie’s POV

“Zayn, they need to know.” I try to tell him. My kids deserve to know what is happening, but so far nothing has happened because Zayn wants to wait to tell them.

“We waited for 2 weeks already, another day or so won’t kill them.” He laughs.

“Zayn! This isn’t funny. If you were them, would you want to know?” I ask.

“Well yeah, but still.” He complains like a little child.

“Please?” I beg. “Fine we can tell them tonight.” He gives in.

“Wait, but Aalia is going out with a friend.” I wouldn’t tell him about Nathan. That is Aalia’s job.

“Fine tomorrow morning. Before school.” He says.

“Ok, works for me.” I snuggle back into his chest.

For people who are in the world’s biggest groups we aren’t very busy. The tours don’t start for another 3 months. Shit! That might be a problem.

“Eww, get a room!” I hear Jade laugh. I forgot she was coming over.

“Oh, hey Jade.” I pull out of Zayn’s chest.

“You forgot didn’t you?” She rolls he eyes and smirks.

“No i didn’t forget.” I lie.

“Yes you did.” Zayn blantenly points out.

“Would you just shut up.” I hit him playfully.

“Right are we still going shopping or not?” Jade asks.

“Yeah, just let me get my stuff.” I get off the couch, picking up my phone from Zayn’s lap. I grab my coat from the rack and my handbag.

“Ok, let’s go.” I say to Jade. I go back to Zayn and kiss his cheek.

“I’ll see you later.” I say kissing him on the lips.

“Be careful.” He warns and kisses me again. After we found out he has gone back to his over protective, ‘don’t hurt yourself’ kind of guy. 



Sorry it took forever to update. BTW dropping hints in chapter 2 and this one about a big change in the story.

Ohhh. what will Aalia and Nathan's date be like. I like the couple name that @adriana_herrera1 came up with. Naalia.

Please check out Tulare. Next update tomorrow because it is already finished. Dropping the bomb on the hinting and the date next chapter.

In 48 hours I will not have braces anymore. In 98 hours I will be 14 (3 days)

Erin xx

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