Chapter 28

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Nathan's POV

I woke up, with Aalia on my chest. Oh, shit. I was supposed to go back to my own cabin. It is still dark out, so I check my watch to see that it is 3am. I move Aalia slightly to the side then, climb over her to get out of the bed. As stand flat on my feet I kiss her cheek, then her stomach. 

"Bye baby." I talk to the both of them at the same time.

I quietly tip toe out the door, closing it behind me. I walk across the oval to the boys cabin as quick as possible, Trying not run into Taylor this time. Last time I saw him just watching Aalia's cabin. I don't see him so quietly go inside my cabin to see everyone asleep so I slip back into the bed before anyone notices that I disappeared.


Perrie's POV

"We can't just keep going at it all night, my legs will kill in later." I say to Zayn. It is different without the kids in the house almost peaceful because Jennah has learned to sleep through the night.

I stand my the door wearing nothing but a bra and underwear. As Zayn creeps forward, only wearing boxers. I rest my hand behind me on the door knob so I can make a quick exit before Zayn gets me again. My legs feel a little numb. We have done it two time today, after the kids left then after lunch then just before. I needed sleep to I grab my undewear and put them back on and now look where I am.

"Why not?" Zayn whines.

"Because I need sleep. Your not the one that has to get up when Jennah is hungry or needs a nappy change it is me." I explain to him.

"It's only 3am." Zayn says as if it is nothing.

 "Exactly. I need sleep." I tell him.

"At least sleep with me then." He smiles innocently. I tilt my head in confusion because he could have meant that in two different was. "I mean sleep sleep." He says.

"Mmm, I'm sure of it." I smirk. I walk back over to the bed and slip under the covers before he can get me. I close my eyes as I feel the bed sink next to me. Zayn arms sits on my hip. Me facing him and him facing me. I open my eyes again to see him watching me. He smiles, then I smile and blush back. He has a way of always making me blush. 

"Goodnight Perrie, I love you." He pecks my nose, I crinkle it under his touch though. 

"Love you too." I say back then slip my head under the covers, before he gets the chance to kiss me again. I deliberatly move one of my hands from my leg to the pillow, deliberatly brushing Zayn inner thigh.

"Perrie." He wines. I snicker the look back at him. He doesn't look impressed more, like he is about to say, 'you tease'.

"Love you." I make a kiss face before closing my eyes and rolling over.


Aalia's POV

I wake up to see no Nathan next to me. He must have gone back during the night. I wish Taylor would just leave me alone, although I can't deny the butterflies I get in my stomach when he touches me though.

I feel another urge to through up so, I chuck my blanket off me and sprint out of the cabin, probably waking everybody else up. I run into the toilets and basically throw up anything that was left in my stomach. I flush and then stand up. I walk over to the sinks and wash out my mouth.

I walk out of the bathroom, basically trying to avoid everyone as if it is COD or something. No one shows up to go back into the cabin to see that the only one up is Cleo. 

"Oh, hey. You ok?" She asks, still sitting on top of the bunk.

"Yeah, I'm ok." I smile back. I go through my suitcase to find some clothes to wear. I pick up a shirt and jeans, folding them messily then walking back out the toilets.

"Oh, Hey Aalia." I hear someone call across the oval. I look over to see Hunter talking to Taylor. That little shit, he knows I am trying to avoid him. Taylor winks and gives a small. Wave so I just continue to walk. Once I get the bathroom, I close the stall and then get changed. Once dressed. I carry my pyjamas back to the cabin. I put them down then head back outside, waiting until we get called for breakfast.

"Aalia." I hear an all to familiar voice call out as I exit the cabin.

"Hey Nathan." I say. "What time did you leave last night?" I ask him, playing with the collar of his shirt.

"Around 3am." He smiles weakly. I fell asleep before him, if even fell asleep.

"Oh, you could have stayed." I rest both of my hand flat on his chest. Out of the cornor of my eye I can see Taylor and Hunter. Taylor keeps looking over to me, so that's why I'm acting a little more lovey dovey then normal.

"No, I didn't want to get caught." He wraps his arms around my waist as I keep my hands on his chest. "Although I would have loved to stay longer." He smirks.

"And watch me sleep? Creepy." I roll my eyes, laughing slightly.

"No. That would be weird." He laughs. "Oh, have you noticed how Taylor is watching you right now?" He asks.

"How could I not. But remember, don't get jealous. I won't leave you." I assure him. I sound more like I am trying to convince myself not him.

"It's kind of creepy though. When I came to see you, he was watching your cabin." He tells me.

"That's weird." Then I realise that I would have only just left him before Nathan showed up.


"Breakfast!" Our head teacher calls at 8am when everyone is out of their cabins. We all file into the food hall, sitting in our normal groups as if it would be school. We wait table by table till we get called up to get our food. 

"Group 3." Oh that's me. I get up and quickly walk to the line before Taylor stops me. I'm glad that Isabel and Jay are standing in between me and Taylor. The line slowly moves forward then I see that for breakfast is eggs, bacon and toast. Yum!

I load my plate and walk back to the tables as group 4 gets called up, that's Nathan's group. In no time Nathan is beside me with a plate of food.

"Did you know we are 6 months and 4 days apart?" He blurts. 

"No, because I don't care about age." I say.

"Just saying." He says.



Sorry I haven't up dated the thers I'm just trying to get this finished so I can start the sequel. 

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Erin xx

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