Chapter 26

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Aalia's POV

"Here." I follow Taylor onto the grass, behind the toilets.

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask him.

"I want to know what that kiss was about." He says.

"I don't know." I say.

"I know you felt something for me." He grabs my upper arms gently.

"I-I" He was right I did feel something, but I still love Nathan. He is also the father of my baby, I'm not leaving him.

"I knew you felt something." He smirks.

"I don't feel anything." I tell him.

"I can tell you lying." He smirks. "Do you feel anything?" He asks. Holding my hands. I shake my head. 

"What about now?" He asks with his right hand now on the side of my face. 

"No." I mumble.

"Now?" He steps closer and places his left hand on my waist. I shiver a bit because he touches my bump and I don't want him to know about my pregnancy.

"I-I." I stutter and then I am cut off by his lips on mine, his left hand moves further up my waist, and he pushes me further against the wall. He continues stepping forward untill he pins his body to mine. I can't help but kiss back, even though I know it is the worst thing I can do. I can't deny that I feel something for him.

"Tell me you didn't feel anything and then I'll leave you alone." He says.

"I can't." I murmur, looking into his eyes. "Although, I need to go before Nathan finds us like this."

"Right, I'll see you around." He winks, Stepping back finally giving me some room. "Maybe 11pm tonight?"

"I'll think about it. Meet behind the food hall." I tell him. 

"Sure babe." He winks. I walk off, laughing and rolling my eyes. I realise what I have just done. I just screwed everything up with Nathan.

"Hey, babe, you ok?" I turn to see Nathan really concerned. I can't help but dread what might happen. I break down in tear and holds me tight. "Babe, it's ok. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm ok." I sob. He dries my tears and then he takes my hand and walks me back toward my cabin.

"Everyone, in cabins now!" I hear our teacher yell across campus. 

"Talk tonight ok? I'll call you and we can talk." He suggests.

"Ok, night." I say.  I go to walk into my cabin and then he pulls me back.

"Wait." His hand goes to my back and then the other to my cheek. His lips gently meet mine, I immediatly kiss back. It's different kissing the boys, Taylor is rougher and more dominate. Nathan is gentle and he smells nice, all the time. My hands go to his hair and then the kiss gets more heated. 

"Moving on people. I'm talking to you Peters, Malik." The techer calls. I pull away and we both laugh. 

"I'll call you." He pecks my lips then hugs me. I don't want to leave him but I do and then walk back in the cabin.

"Hey, you're back." Cleo says.

"Where were you?" Chelsea asks.

"With Nathan." I simply reply sitting on the edge of my bed. I still need to go and change into pyjama's but so does the rest of my cabin along with everybody else.

"Are you ok though? You ran out." Chelsea says. I nod my head then step toward her. Everyone goes back to getting their pyjamas out.

"I through up." I whisper to Chelsea. She nods her head and we both grab pyjamas before heading out to the toilets. It's 9:30pm and we are supposed to be in bed by 10pm.

We head into the toilets and change. When I come out, I brush my teeth and then my hair before letting it flow naturally again. When Chelsea and I leave the toilets, I see Hunter. Chelsea of course runs as fast as she can, with her baby bump, over to him. I continue, not wanting to break their love fest. I see Nathan coming out and but he hugs me before I get the chance, since I'm holding a bag. 

"I want to give you and our little one a proper good nigth but i don't think you would want to risk people seeing be touch your stomach." He jokes.

"At 12am. Meet me behind the toilets." I say.

"You on. Bye." He pecks my lips then takes off again. I walk back to the cabin without Chelsea, once I'm in side, I immerse myself in a cnversation with Jaquie and Ashley.

They are asking for tickets to see my dad, but that concert is sold out. He isn't touring again for another year, because Harry is expecting a child soon, and to my surprise Louis and Eleanor have another one on the way. Little Mix, still tour but they had to have a year break for my mum, so they have another up coming tour in 4 months, that way Jennah will be old enough to not be breast feed.

Chelsea walks back in, and I finish the conversation to go ad sit with Chelsea on my bed. We lean against the back wall and pull out a bag of lollies hiding them under the blanket fromt he rest of the cabin.

"I hate being pregnant." Chelsea wines.

"You can always get an abortion." I tell her.

"Na, I hate the idea of killing an innocent life." She says.

"Me too." I agree.

"So, I'm meeting Nathan at 12 am behind the toilets. He wants to talk to the little one." I whisper the last bit.

"Cute. I wish I had a relationship like yours." She says.

"What's wrong with Hunter now?" I ask her.

"He seems bored and stuff." She says. "I thunk it is because now that I am pregnant he isn't getting the sex anymore." I almost choked on the lolly i had.

"What?" I ask her.

"Just because, you and Nathan did it once and you aren't doing it again, doesn't mean he isn't thinking about cheating because he can't get sex." Chelsea points out.

"You know that you can still have sex while being pregnant right?" I ask her.

"Really?" She asked shocked. "Doesn't it hurt the baby?" She asks.

"Nope." I pop the P.



Next chapter is when she meets Taylor and Nathan :)

Who else is going to One DIrection??? I'm going to the On The Road Again tour on the 11th of Feb in Brisbane at Suncorp Stadium. B Reserve, Section 310, Row 5.

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Erin xx

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