Chapter 11

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I should not be surprised at all that you felt like you could talk about me for two straight hours. However, I also do not blame her for ditching you. I would have too, but that's me.

I've been meaning to tell you, I hung out with Roxanne again and she asked about you. She kept asking questions and it felt like the conversation would never end. She caught on to your feelings for me without me ever mentioning it. I tried several times to change the subject and finally succeeded when I asked if she wanted to go get something to eat. I will never understand why so many people are fascinated with you. I mean, Roxanne doesn't even know what you look like. Once again though, you don't need to know any more of the details. She is still definitely on your side though.

I also started Uncle Tom's Cabin, but I'm only a few chapters in so there isn't much to say about it yet.

- Lena


Why don't I get the details? I would enjoy hearing everything she said about me. It would lighten my mood. It seems my friend was not as interested in me as I thought, but I'm not that upset. I'll only be stuck home alone for the rest of the summer. (If I don't get details you don't either).

In the meantime, I purchased a copy of Uncle Tom's Cabin. I'm a little farther along in the book due to all my free time, but I will wait to talk about it until you've gotten further. It's nice of me, I know. You don't have to thank me. I know you want to.

- Jensen


Is that your way of blackmailing me into telling you the details about what Roxanne talked to me about. How do you know blackmail will work on me? What if I still refuse? What if I do not want to know the details about your new "friend" who suddenly wants nothing to do with you?

However, I have a feeling we will not be able to talk about anything else unless I tell you something so I guess I will tell you something. She wanted to know more about my life at school because she said she was always curious about boarding schools. At the mention of you she said she could tell by my tone that there was a story there (I'm sure you can imagine the tone). That is when the questions began. She wanted to know all about you, but she claimed I was being defensive so it obviously meant there was more to it than you annoying me. That is how we ended up in a conversation about how frustrating it is that you never stop asking me on a date. Are you happy now? Those are the details I was keeping from you.

Since I have now fulfilled your request for the details it is your turn to tell me what really happened with your friend because I know you did not tell me the truth.

- Lena

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