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Evelyn sat on her bay window and took a deep breath, she felt...empty.

A knock sounded at her door

"C'min" she mumbled

The door creaked open

"Hey babe," her mom said carrying a cup

"Hey," she replied in a sigh moving to her bed watching as her mom followed

"Brought you some cocoa," Stephanie said gesturing to the cup

Evelyn nodded, took the cup saying a quiet thanks before she took a sip

"Baby, are you okay?" Stephanie asked, like always, Evelyn nodded

"Stop lying," Stephanie reprimanded

"Okay, I'm not okay are you happy?!" Evelyn shouted

Stephanie shook her head

"Babe, there's something I need to tell you." Stephanie said twirling her wedding ring on her finger

"When your dad and I met, he was a bad boy, just like Dean, and I was a church girl, like you, who believed she'd never fall in love, then one day, at school, Trish and I were outside before cheerleading practice, when this boy and his friend walked outside, the boy was gorgeous and I fell madly in love with him, and that boy, was your father," Stephanie revealed

This shocked Evelyn because she had never heard the love story between her mom and dad so she just sat and listened attentively

"But you know grandpa McMahon was a preacher and he didn't want his only daughter ruining the reputation by going out with a bad boy. But we snuck off and got married without anyone knowing,"

"I just tried so hard for you not to end up like that but I guess by keeping you away from Dean, I'm pushing you further to it, baby I'm sorry, I just wanted to make sure he was good enough for you. I love you and I don't want you to make the same mistakes we made as kids. I spent every moment since you were born to now, praying you would find someone who'd treat you like a Queen and treat you like a man should, I've only wanted the best for you." Stephanie said as tears began to fill her eyes

"I know, and I thank you for it." Evelyn said before she brought her close in a hug smiling into her mom's shoulder

Dean sat in the porch of his mom's house, she was away for 1 year and he'd be out by tomorrow. He was gonna move his stuff into the house he bought. Tomorrow, he'd also ask the love of his life to officially be his forever.

And boy, was he nervous

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