Truth or Dare

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"I can't believe you let him talk you into this." Keith grumbled as he took his place on the couch. 

"We've got some time to take a break and I figured it'd be a good way to bond." Shiro replied calmly, taking a seat between Allura and Pidge. 

"Stop being so emo Keith, it's just a dumb game." Pidge scoffed, sliding her laptop under the couch to prevent it from being stepped on. 

"A dumb game? How dare you insult truth or dare like that?" Lance mocked offense, flopping down on the couch next to Keith. 

"Would you all be quiet so we can start? I want to see what this game is about!" Allura interjected, growing slightly annoyed with the paladins. 

"She's right guys. Lance, you care to explain the rules to Allura and Coran?" Hunk spoke up, gesturing to Lance. 

Lance quickly explained the basics of the game and Allura and Coran both nodded in understanding. 

"Now, I'll pick first." Lance said, rubbing his chin as he looked at the group around him. "Hmm... I guess... Shiro. Truth or Dare?" Lance decided, wiggling his eyebrows at Shiro. 

"Um.. truth?" Shiro said, glancing nervously at everyone. 

"If you had to kiss someone in this room, who would you kiss?" Lance said, smirking at Shiro. 

"Jesus Lance, what a middle school question." Pidge said, rolling her eyes. 

Shiro's face was dusted pink and his eyes were trained at the ground. 

"Um.. Allura.." He said, barely audible. 

"Oooooohh, someone's got a crush on the princess." Hunk said in a singsong voice. 

Everyone looked to Allura, who was also flushed pink, to see her response. 

"I- I had no idea you felt that way Shiro." She said softly, smiling at him. 

"Okay, okay, you two can make out later. Shiro, pick someone." Lance said, excited to keep playing. 

"Um.. Pidge, truth or dare?" Shiro asked, finally looking up towards the green paladin. 

"Dare, obviously." Pidge replied eagerly. 

"I dare you to... drink an entire glass of that nasty stuff Coran had at that party that one time." Shiro said. 

"OOh, good one Shiro, that stuff's disgusting." Lance said, laughing. "That's whatcha get for calling Truth or Dare dumb." 

"You mean Nunvill?" Coran said, before getting up and leaving the room. 

"You're such an assh-" 

"Language Pidge!" Shiro interrupted. 

"Okay, DAD!" She said back, smirking at him. "Fine, whatever, I'll drink it."

Coran returned with a cup in hand and Pidge took it from him. She kept her eyes on Lance the entire time, chugging it down without a single grossed out look. 

"There, easy." She said, setting the glass down. "My turn." She finished, smirking at Lance. 

Lance knew at that moment, that he was fucked. Pidge was going to  pick him and make him do something embarrassing that would ruin his life.  

"Keith," Pidge said, turning her gaze to the red paladin, "Truth or dare?" 

Pidge knew exactly what she was doing. In the past few months, she'd become closer with both Lance and Keith and knew what she could do to make them both totally flustered. 

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