Chapter Five: It's Possible (Yoona POV)

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Chapter Five: It's Possible (Yoona POV)

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When Fany unnie noticed the similarity between Yoonhee hoobae and I, I started to feel even more puzzled and had millions of thoughts swirling in my already messed up mind. It's like, Yoonhee and I only just met today...and she was friends with Fany's dongsaeng, Stefan.

"Thanks Fany, like that's probably the nth time I heard that comment," Yoonhee replied stating what I presumed was the obvious.

"Mianhae Tiffany," Stefan apologised. "She's probably still a bit mad at me for not telling her the truth of my past..."

It's the first time I was hearing Stefan make so many references to his past since our return from Singapore.

Anyways, if Fany was really telling the truth...maybe I should speak to appa next. Perhaps he knows something...

"Umm, Yoona unnie, Fany unnie, if I'm interrupting, I should probably take my leave too. I need to go back to" Yoonhee spoke up.

Indeed, she's really obedient. She's really scared that she would get into trouble for being late. But if Yoonhee was really my dongsaeng, I certainly could not forgive my parents for just leaving her in an orphanage. And if they did, then why did they do so?

"Yoonhee, don't be so polite really!" Fany was lightening up the mood. "Although I actually feel sorry now. I realld did not know you don't know your parents..."

"Ne Ne," Yoonhee responded. "I've never met them, yes. But I have already moved on in life. I've gotten used to life without them already."

Somehow, I felt an urging responsibility grow inside me. I never felt that ever before, but since Yoonhee arrived, that changed a lot. I guess I thought it did not seem right for her to be living without knowing her parents. I definitely could not imagine that myself.

"Yoonhee, you can stay with us if you want. I mean, after everything that happened today, you are more than welcome to lodge with us SNSD members for tonight. Besides, isn't it far away?" I asked her.

"Aniyo Yoona unnie! I know how to get there...but thanks for the offer," she replied.

"No Yoonhee..." Stefan took control of the situation. "It's actually more dangerous at night. Especially with our recent speculation of you and Yoona..."

I knew what Stefan meant. If sasaeng fans or paparazzi were to find out about Yoonhee, then they would spread rumours. That's the last thing we needed, especially Stefan who remained physically hidden from the media.

Just as Yoonhee continued to debate with us over staying at the dorm for tonight, the doorbell rang. Indeed, our dorm must be expecting a number of visitors today!

I looked through the peephole and immediately started to panic. The person at the door was another unexpected guest, although this time, she was definitely more familiar.

"Unnie, Stefan!" I motioned to Fany and her brother, "Yoonhee needs to hide like now. Go to my room and hide!"

Despite more confusion, they followed my order and led Yoonhee away from the sitting area. Once she was away, I opened the door.

The person standing there was actually my elder sister, Yoonhan.

"Annyeonghaseyo unnie!" I greeted her brightly.

Yes, I did have an elder sister. Yoonhan and I rarely met ever since my debut with SNSD. Our recent meet up was in a variety show. To protect her privacy, I did not reveal her name on TV, so people just see  her as 'Yoona's elder sister'.

Anyways, what brought her here today?

"Yoona dongsaeng! Naega dangsineul-bogoshipda~" Yoonhan hugged me. Wow, she really missed me a lot. in truth so did I.

"Ne Ne!" I agreed.

"I just happened to be passing by your dorm after dinner with my colleagues so I thought I'd drop by and say hello," she explained.

"Omo, kamsahabnida unnie~" I felt touched by her sibling love.

Anyway, since she was here, I wondered if she knew anything...

"Unnie," I asked her, "has omma or appa told you anything these last few years? Is there something that I, or maybe we, should know?"

"Aniyo..." Yoonhan shook her head. "Waeyo?"

"Just wondering..." I replied. "But don't tell them I asked you this when you see them later. Juseyo?"

"Ne Ne..." she answered with a tone of uncertainty.

Just before Yoonhan unnie could leave though, I heard Yoonhee's voice from my room. It was as if she found something...but what? That made me wonder if Yoonhan unnie should see who I was talking about.

"Unnie..." I faced my sister. "Maybe I should introduce you to someone...we MIGHT know..."

She followed me into the dorm and we headed into my room. By this time, the other members had also congregated there. Whatever Yoonhee found, it must have been a big deal.

But why, of all things, does it have to be my diary?

Unlike my other unnies, my sister included, my diary entries date back to when I was 6 years old. I don't consistently write entries, so that's why it dated back so far.

Anyway, what did Yoonhee find?

"Your first entry..." she stuttered. "It's on the same day as my admission into the orphanage."

You'd think that would be coincidental, but actually, it isn't. Even though I don't remember the exact details, what I knew was that appa was supposed to give me a 'surprise' when I was 7, he never did. I cried so much over it that day that he bought me patbingsu, my favourite dessert, as an apology. I had long since forgotten and forgiven him for his actions.

"How old were you then, Yoonhee?" I asked her.

"...only a few months..." she swallowed hard. "I sulked for weeks after finding out that truth."

Now that she told me that, I couldn't help but feel sad for Yoonhee. Even though we only just met hours ago, it was as if she was my sister to me...

And speak of sister...

The members had also noticed Yoonhan's presence and were immediately greeting her warmly. Soon though, Yoonhan was back beside me, and she too took notice of Yoonhee. Seeing this, Tiffany and Stefan ushered the members outside. I guess my privacy needs to be respected.

"Annyeonghaseyo unnie, my name's Yoonhee," Yoonhee greeted my sister.

My sister greeted her back politely. Then she turned to me and said, "Now that you introduced me to her, I kept thinking that she looked familiar..."

So...Yoonhan knew something then?

Then she went back to her playful sisterly self for she snatched my diary and began to read it. Really, unnie? She got so engrossed with my diary entries to the point she was even chortling at some of my cheesy, kiddish entries back when I was young. How embarrassing...

Then something slipped out of Yoonhan's pocket: a photo.

Yoonhee saw that and she picked it up. However, her face suddenly went pale.

"Yoona unnie..." she turned towards me again. "Why is my orphanage profile photo in your sister's pocket?"

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A/N: New mysteries popping up again!

I really apologise for this badly written chapter. I've run out of ideas~ *scratches head*

Keep up with the votes and comments though. I promise the next chapters will be much better. And meanwhile, read 'The Assassin, My Twin?' too. The storyline will get exciting~

And... MR MR MV IS OUT!! I absolutely enjoyed watching it. Have you guys seen it yet?

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