10: Nobility

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The pounding in my head is what wakes me up.
That, and the snoring that's rattling around inside my head.
I pull the blanket over my face and push the crown of my head into the person in front of me.
Wait... who's cuddling me?
Despite my pounding head and my attempted avoidance of the light streaming through the windows, I glance up to see who I'm wrapped around.
When I see Jackson, I scream and push him away from me.
"What the fuck are you doing here!?" I scream.
He doesn't answer, just looking around, a little disoriented. "How'd I get here, again...?"
"That's what I want to know!"
Now that I've calmed down a touch, the pounding resumes, and I keel over, my head feeling like it's gonna explode, and now some nausea adding to the mix. The brighter light isn't helping my burning eyes, either. I know I didn't take my contacts out last night-
Suddenly, Jackson goes, "Ahh... I brought you home last night after you got drunk.."
I'm confused. "Why did you bring me home?"
"I offered since you couldn't walk," he snips at me.
"I mean why didn't someone else take me home? You know, like someone who lives here?"
"I don't know, they just seemed really opposed to taking a drunken rode home with you, probably because you have no filter."
Fuck, what did I say this time?
Just then, before I could up en my mouth and say something smart, Sulli walks out, yawning and stretching her arms over her head.
"I heard a thud, but refused to get out of bed. What happened?"
"Why is he here?" I interrogate.
She gave me a funny look as she walked to the kitchen. "He brought you home last night."
"Yeah, but why?"
"Because no one in our lazy ass household wanted to, and I thought it'd be rude to oppose him. So, the rest of us went to eat off our buzz while he willingly wrestled with your drunk ass." She opens the milk and pours it over her cereal, digging in her spoon and taking a bite. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go finish this on the balcony. And please, try to be quiet; inside voices."
With that, she walks her route through the kitchen to the balcony, leaving Jackson and I alone again.
"What did I say last night?" I ask, just above a whisper.
"What did I say last night?"
He sighs. "You probably don't want me to repeat it."
"Well, if you don't want to answer my question, feel free to get the fuck out."
I stand up, moving to my bedroom when he calls out, "I don't know why you're so pissed at me, right now. I did you a favor when you left me."
His words stop me in my tracks.
He's right, you know... you never deserved him, did you?
I ignore my thoughts.
"I'll ask you one more time, what did I say to you last night?"
A pause runs between us, my back still turned to him. I can feel his eyes burning into me.
"You said what I'm feeling, but I know it won't do either of us any good if we act on our thoughts, so let's just leave it how it is."
I scoff, turning around. "You know, you always gotta be so fucking noble. Always doing "what's best" and shit. Well, if you want something, why keep your mouth shut about it? I may have left you, but that doesn't mean I don't still know how you are. You haven't changed one bit since I left, and I can still read you like a book; you want something. You want to tell me what I said, but you still won't do it since it'll "save face." Well, you know what? If you don't want to talk, that's fine with me. Just don't test your fucking nobility with me anymore, I can't handle it."
I turn back around and head to my bathroom.

I'm Sorry | Jackson WangWhere stories live. Discover now