11: Mei

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I sat there for a bit, but eventually left.
But I made a decision, sitting there on the floor that day.
I was gonna quit being noble, it hadn't really gotten me anywhere.
And Luna was the prime example of that.

Weeks have passed and I still haven't seen her anywhere. Weren't we supposed to be working with her group on some stage? I know I shouldn't, but I kind of miss her already...
I walk through the door to the JYP building, bottle of green tea in hand, my earbuds in, blocking out the world.
I almost walk past the front desk, but Sujin, a recent hire with doe eyes, a bright smile and a special enthusiasm for her otherwise mundane job, frantically waves me down, finally getting my attention.
"Oh, Sujin-ssi, what do you need?"
"Sorry Jackson, I can tell I've interrupted a deep thought, haven't I?"
"Oh, no, I wasn't thinking about anything in particular. What is it you needed?"
"Oh, well, JYP has you in another studio today. "GOT7 and BlackRoses are working in practice studio 6A today."" She looks up at me with her does eyes, making sure I understood his message.
"Alright, thank you for the notice. Have a good day, Sujin-ssi."
"You too, Jackson-ah."
I pop my earbuds back in when our conversation is finished, heading to studio 6A.

When I walk in, I'm almost immediately smothered by someone shorter than me with scarlet hair.
That's all I caught before I was too overwhelmed by everything else.
"Oh, Oppa, I missed you so much! Why haven't you returned my calls?"
I look around at the faces in front of me; the boys look disgusted and the girls are just utterly confused.
Well, with the exception of Luna. She wasn't even looking at us.
"Mei, please, can you give me some space?"
"Oh, yes, of course! Don't want to smother the star!" She immediately jumps off of me, but still laces her fingers with mine.
Oh, boy.
"Mei, that's not what I-"
"So our dance is gonna be super sexy, the choreographer said. Shouldn't be too hard for us, should it, baby?" She swats my ass, making me jump.
"Oh, and you and I might just have a kiss scene-!"
"Mei, you heard him, give him some space. If you don't keep this professional, I'm going to have to have JYP take you off the dancer list," Jaebum snaps harshly.
She instantly retreats into herself at his harsh words.
Mei and I have been in a purely sexual relationship for the past few months, and I'm surprised she hasn't tried to blow up the dorm, yet.
It was fine, I guess, for the first month or two, give or take, but the last time we did anything, I accidentally let my inner fantasies slip into reality.
I said Luna's name instead of hers, causing her to freak, storm out of the dorm half clothed and race off to God knows where.
She had been trying to call me, sent me texts and racy photos, and even went to the extreme of her doing things to herself on video and sending those, as well.
I blocked her number, but apparently she's not entirely convinced that I'm a complete asshole that she should be done with, yet.
The choreographer suddenly steps in front of our ragtag groups and commands our attention. "Alright, you know me, I know you, I don't really think we need introductions at this point, so I'm just gonna start. For the next 3 weeks, your asses are mine, so I have the authority to whip it into shape. Got it?"
We all nod.
"Good, get stretched out. Like this one over here." She gestures to Luna, stretching out on the floor.

"Do you have it, you two?" I nod along with Mei.
Our dance is first to the dance with one of the BlackRoses members, so she's running our dance first.
"Alright, practice a bit. That's the hardest part and I want you to have it down." She walks away, leaving us to our own devices.
"Okay, so I'm thinking that we should-" Mei grabs my shoulders and pulls me down into her lips, immediately jamming her tongue into my throat.
I shove her away once I've recovered from the shock.
"What the hell was that?!" I whisper-yell at her.
"I know you miss me, just admit it. You should have returned my calls and you wouldn't have had to miss me."
"Seriously, Mei, I'm not in the mood for this, so let's just-" I stop myself when I see Mark's reflection in the mirror.
"Mark , what's up?"
He waves me over, and I make my way across the room to him.
"You're partnered with Luna for the main stage. Just thought you might want to know." He backs out of the room, closing the door behind him.
A sinking feeling funds it's way to the put of my stomach.

I wonder if this is how she felt when she was partnered with me in high school.

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