Chapter 12

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I gazed at the mirror, checking myself out before giving a light smile. The dressing up wasn't something I would usually do on any usual day, but this day seemed worth the pains and hours of grooming. I lightly touched the white dress, grinning at the crispy feeling of the organza. The dress was an off shoulder, showing my collar bones and the white colours gradually turned deep purple around the end. My hair was tied up in a slightly messy bun, a few strands of hair falling down and lightly curled. I looked up at Taka through the mirror as he entered the room before turning around to face him, grinning so widely as the skirt flew around a little from the movement.

"You look... Beautiful," Taka muttered as he gave a dazed expression.

"Says the one who rocks the outfit he's wearing," I laughed before fixing his tie. "Today's an extra special day, so we'll need to look good for everyone to see," Taka nodded his head before planting a light kiss on my forehead.

"Ready, my princess?" I blushed at my new pet name. Really? He sure knows how to make my heart flutter. Placing his hand on his waist, he signalled me to link our arms together before we head to the reception and greet the guests.


There was a crazy amount of people hanging out in the reception hall. Some of the guests were members of other bands, friends we met during tours and childhood friends who pursued completely different careeers from us while others were business partners and their families. From a distance, Toru's nephew was running towards us before falling into my puffy skirt. I giggled lightly before messing up his hair and picking him up. Seriously, kids just make me want to have my own child as soon as possible.

"Woah... Look at this princess," I turned around to meet Rainer with a smile on her face.

"Well," I pinched my skirt with one hand and did a princess bow before recieving laughs from her. Somehow, we ended up talking like we haven't met in a million years, as well as giving out continuous compliments to Toru's nephew and saying how much he grew since we last saw him, how tall he became, so on and so forth. 

"Hey guys," Toru called as our heads snapped to his direction.

"Uncle!!" He excitedly put out his hands to Toru as he quickened his steps to take him from my hands. 

"Thanks for entertaining him before I came. I got stuck in the traffic for a little so..."

"Nah!! It was fun with him! He's so cute," Rainer squealed as she lightly squeezed the little boy's cheeks. Wow Rainer, really? I heard someone clear his throat rather loudly before Toru snapped out of his daydream and fake a cough.

"You look amazing, y/n," I smiled at Toru's compliment and thanked him before Taka draped his hands on my neck.

"So many guys staring at you but too bad, you're already taken," Damn it. I tried to stop myself from smiling as I nudged him lightly in the waist, which he returned with a cheeky smile and a slight chuckle. 

"Cheers?" I lightly waved the glass of wine at him as he clanked his glass of champagne with mine.


Wherever you are, 

I'll always make you smile

Wherever you are,

I'm always by yours side

Whatever you say,

Kimi wo omou kimochi

I promise you, 'forever' right now

I caught Taka's glance at me which made me shyly smile. The whole ballroom was quiet, everyone appreciating Taka's amazing singing voice accompanied with Toru's soft strumming.

"Congratulations on your wedding," Taka ended it off as everyone burst into claps. I watched as Ryota placed a light kiss on his bride's forehead. Sweet. Watching those two lovebirds, I couldn't help but think about how my own wedding would be, and how soon could it be. 

"Y/n!" I snapped in surprise as I turned my attention to the speaker. "Wanna go take a breather?" I nodded my head as Taka took my hands, walking me out of the hall and towards a trail around the hotel which was next to the beach.

I felt the wind blow onto me, causing my hair to partially hide my face. The beach was rather isolated so it wasn't so mysterious why there were so few visitors. Others might have found our stroll to be rather awkward due to the lack of conversation, but both of us just needed each other's company to walk down this slightly sandy trail.

"I love you," My eyes shot up at Taka as he shyly smiled, looking down at the floor as we interlocked our fingers with each other.

"What was that for?" I asked with a slight chuckle before Taka shrugged at my question.

"I'm allowed to say that when I want to, right?" Taka's being so sweet he'll probably make me have diabetes now. I felt my cheeks burn as I looked down, biting my lips to prevent myself from smiling so wide that my cheeks would rip apart. I felt a soft kiss on my cheeks. "You look so beautiful today," Damn it, does he want to kill me now? My cheeks burned further and it felt like it would just catch fire anytime soon. Lightly laughing, Taka nuzzled his nose into my neck before taking in a deep breath. "Smells good too,"

"Stop," I joked, pulling away from him and recieving a grin from this guy. "Anyways, shouldn't we go back now? It's getting late," I muttered as I checked my  time,"

"Not after we watch the sunset together," Taka whispered as he sat on this bench facing the sea. It was beautiful, I must admit. Even more when he sits beside me, holding our hands tightly together as we continued gazing at the dying sun.


"Y/n! Just go for it!!" Rainer yelled as she pushed me towards the crowd of young girls around my age. Whatever... I rolled my eyes before submitting to her annoying demands. Personally, I didn't see why it was so exciting to catch the bouquet of flowers from the bride. Anyways, it'll probably start with usual squeals of excitement and end with girls clashing into each other trying to catch that single bouquet of flowers. "Make sure to catch it, I want to attend your wedding next after this," Rainer leaned in to whisper to my ears. "And play with all your children," She giggled at her own words. I rolled my eyes once again before looking at the bunch of girls crowding in front of me. I folded my arms, standing slightly far away from the crowd in front of me lest they end up running back and crashing on me.

"You guys ready?" Michelle called as she turned her back to us and threw the purple laced flower bouquet to the back as tons of hands flew up, trying to catch it as if their life depended on it. For some reason, my natural instinct was to shut my eyes and pray hard that no one falls onto me. Silence fell in the room momentarily before cheers and screams could be heard.

I opened my eyes to find my fingers wrapped around the bouquet, the wrapping paper giving out a crisp sound each time I moved the bouquet in my hands. Michelle was now standing in front of me, giving me a wide grin as Ryota draped his hands around her shoulders. From the side, I noticed Taka walking up and towards us as he did something which caught me completely off guard.

"Ever since I first met you on Warped Tour, I just couldn't take my eyes off you. And ever since we've been together, I realised that I can't bear to leave you for even a while and I think, the best way to make you stay with me forever is..." Taka pulled out a small black velvet box from his pocket and went down on one knee. "Y/n, will you marry me?"

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