Chapter 13

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I was speechless as soon as I realised what was going on. The whole crowd was starting to chant "Say yes!" as I placed a hand over my mouth. Am I dreaming right now? All these rush of sudden realisation and emotions shot up to my eyes as tears blurred my vision. I can't believe this. Without hesitation, I nodded my head before falling into Taka's embrace, feeling his warmness as a sign to tell me that everything was real. Everyone was cheering and music played while my heart felt like million of fireworks were ignited in it.


"This dress."

"No, this one."

"I want this dress."

"No... I still think this one suits you more," I groaned at Emery. We were choosing between two wedding dresses. The one she wanted was a rather simple dress that was off shoulder and pleaded while I wanted an off shoulder dress that dipped down at the back really low and was extremely lacy. Emery frowned. "I swear we can't get a single shit done without asking your sweetheart," I rolled my eyes at her words. "Should I give him a ring?" I shrugged my shoulders before returning to admire the intricate designs on the dress. "Hey Taka, your damsel's in distress," Really? I lightly smacked Emery's arms before taking the phone.

"Hey Taka, Emery's being an annoying asshole and insists on this really plain wedding dress.  Do you think I should get the plain one or this dress that's really lacy and bare backed?"

"Obviously the one my honey wants," Emery pretended to puke at my pet name. 

"Shut up asshole," 

"Me?" Taka asked over the line and I groaned at Emery who was now laughing at me.

"No... I was telling Emery to shut up. Then I'll get the one that I want then," I muttered, sandwiching the phone between my ears and shoulders. "Talk to you later then," I smiled as I heard a 'chu' sound from the other line. I'm definitely not dreaming, but I know that Taka's been getting more and more cuter these days, giving me more pet names like cherry pie, chocolate, cutie, cupcakes, name any sweet food, he probably called me that before. I sat down and checked my messages, as well as discuss with Emery on what other stuff we have to do for the wedding preparations.

"Are you going to ask your parents to like, attend your wedding? You are they're child," Emery's words froze me. Wh... what? Ask my parents to attend my wedding? 

"Never. I don't give a fuck if they're my biological parents, but too bad, I don't view them as my own blood. Which parents would harm their child and don't give a shit when she runs away from home?" I snapped at Emery, slamming the table in rage. Chill, y/n. I sighed and sat back down. "I don't want to ever see they're fucking faces. Especially not on a day where I'm getting married, not on the day that's probably the happiest in my entire life. I'm not going to see or hear a single thing about them,"

"But..." I folded my arms. "Can't you at least give them a chance? They probably regret it now. I mean... You're their only daughter,"

"I doubt I'm even of their own blood," I retorted, gazing into the windows as cars zoomed past.

"Your parents regret every single thing they did, I'm sure of that-"

"What makes you so sure then? Why do you think that they will cherish me, after so many years? Unless they're eyeing for the money I'm making right now, I don't see why they would want me back," Emery gave a sigh.

"I was just suggesting. It is your wedding, after all. I can't force you to invite people you don't want to see," She muttered before walking away. Was I a bit too much? I bit my lips as I watched the figure walk out of the shop. Fuck's sake, it's been years and I still can't control my emotions when someone talks about my past. Heading back to the changing room, I sighed at the thought of forgiving my parents for all that they've done in the past. 


It wasn't particularly romantic like it was in the movies, staring at the sunset and holding your lover's hands. I definitely loved the moment, but a small voice inside constantly bugged me and that destroyed the whole romantic feel to this. I gritted my teeth at the thoughts of how badly they treated me. 

"What's wrong?" I turned to face Taka who was scrunching his eyebrows. My concern must have been written all over the face, visible enough for him to notice it. 

"Emery suggested inviting my parents for our wedding," I muttered after a slight hesitation. Taka comfortingly rolled his thumb on my hands. 

"It's your choice, I won't stop you from inviting them. Neither will I force you to meet them again," I leaned my head onto his shoulders. "But just think about how they feel and most importantly, how you feel. I don't want you to end up acting really strange and  uncomfortable on the most important day of your life," I felt his fingers twirl my hair as I closed my eyes and gave a loud sigh. Nothing was more comforting then feeling him close to me. "Shouldn't let my buttercup feel sad for anything," My lips curved into a smile as I lightly smack his shoulders.

"You and your pet names," Lightly rolling my eyes, I felt a kiss on the cheeks, "God, Taka," I felt yet another kiss on my forehead before continuous light pecks all over. "Taka, please," I whispered between laughters as he pulled away. 

"I'm never going to stop with those pet names as long as we're together, chocolate," I laughed as he pecked my lips. "Come on, I'll need to meet the other members soon," He exclaimed as he checked the time, standing up and helping me up before walking towards the car. I slipped into the driver's seat, watching him pull his seatbelt over as he turned to grin at me.

"Learn how to drive, will you?" Taka merely gave a slight chuckle before drinking up from the water bottle beside him. "What a guy you are," Taka screwed the cap tight before placing it back to its container, turning around to look at me as he opened his mouth to speak.

"I've got a dick, so that makes me a guy,"

"Oh really? I thought you had none, being such a sissy all these while," Taka exaggeratedly gasped and placed a hand on his chest, as if to show how painful his heart felt at my words. "Butthurt," Taka took this chance to go extremely close to my ear, so close that I can feel him breathing down my neck.

"Let's see who's butt's gonna hurt real soon," he whispered before pulling away with a slight chuckle as I felt my cheeks heating up. Shaking my head, I stepped on the accelerator and focused on the road throughout the journey.

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