Ocean Eyes

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"I've been watching you for some time. Can't stop staring at those ocean eyes."

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Harley knew that if Steve were with her at this moment, he would surely scold her for subduing sleep deprivation with caffeinated energy drinks. The combination of the two did nothing to help her usual hectic and paranoid state of mind, but Harley had a mission, and she intended on fulfilling it as soon as possible.

After revealing to Steve in the dingy warehouse that she had a connection to another advanced person that could help them against Tony, he and Sam grilled her for all the information she was willing to give. While Sam questioned Peter's abilities and strengths and weaknesses, Steve had stayed abnormally quiet. Harley dodged as many questions as she could, but she saw it in Steve's eyes that he was most definitely going to have a talk with her when things calmed down.

With Bucky's help, they had successfully snuck Harley onto the next flight to New York to hopefully recruit Peter, and to help Clint gather Wanda, as well as Scott Lang, much to Sam's annoyance.

During the flight, Harley ignored Steve's advice to eat a good meal and get as much sleep as she could. She spent the eight hours aboard the plane carefully watching her fellow passengers with a pocket knife in one hand, and a Red Bull in the other.

As soon as the plane landed, Harley was the first one out of the plane. She ran from the plane all the way to an unmarked car in the airport parking lot where Clint was waiting to take her to Queens.

"So,who are we pickin' up again?" He asked as they made their way their destination.

"A friend." Harley paused. "Yeah... my friend."

"More like boyfriend, according to Steve." Clint chuckled, eyes on the road.

"Yeah? Well, Steve's old!" Harley snapped, crossing her arms. "That was his dementia talking."

Clint barked out a laugh and shook his head at the flustered teenage girl.

"He's a good one though, right?" He asked sincerely.

"He is." Harley couldn't hide the smile fighting it's way onto her face. "Sometimes he's too good for is own good, if you get me."

"The same could be said for you."

"What universe are you living in?" Harley cackled. "I'm not good! Not even close."

Clint was about to protest when Harley spotted the Parkers' apartment building.

"This is the place." She said, unbuckling her seat belt. "You wait out here, don't want him passing out because Hawkeye is in his living room."

"Be quick. You know how New Yorkers get when you take their parking spaces."

- - - -

"Pete!" Harley yelled as she made her way inside the Parkers' home. "You here? We got some things to talk about!"

Peter's door ripped open and the boy in question came rushing out with a look of utter joy on his face. He made his way over to Harley, picking her up and spinning her around the room.

"Whoa! What's gotten into you?" Harley giggled, blowing the hair out of her face.

"You're never gonna guess what happened to me earlier!" He said, out of breath.

"I'm guessing something exciting?" Harley teased.

"Tony Stark!" He rushed out.

A look of confusion passed over Harley's face.

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