Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

                  I have to admit, nine shots may have been too much. I wobbled over to the couch falling onto May who happened to be making-out with some random dude. “Cas! I am in the middle of something!” she screamed when he got up and left. She started glaring out me until she noticed how drunk I was.

                      I felt queasy, and I bent over trying desperately to hold the vomit inside my body. She pulled my arm over her shoulder and helped me upstairs and into my room. She carefully tucked me in and told me to rest while she went to get me some water. Then she laid a cold towel on my forehead and placed a puke bucket next to me.

                        I shut my eyes when I heard the door shut. I tried to sleep but my body was too awake to even think about sleeping. I tossed and turned for about a minute, until I finally was on my side facing the wall opposite of the door. I stared at the writing on my wall; Hey Babe! It was from Darik when we were still dating. The thought of it brought tears to my eyes. So there I was silently crying to myself, drunk, with the biggest party of the year right outside of my room. I was pathetic.

                       Then all of the suddenly the door slowly squealed from opening. I turned over and was going to ask how May got back so fast when I saw her.

                       I must be asleep! I have to be! Fairies don’t exist, do they? I must be drunker then I had thought at first!

                            I let out an ear piercing scream as she slowly started moving toward me without making a sound. She looked taken back and she stopped. I looked toward the ground and realized that chick was floating!

                                    Slowly she started floating toward me again with a gigantic smirk on her face, almost like she knew I was freaking out. she was almost a foot from my bed. She stopped and started pulling something out of her pocket. That’s when the metallic silver letter case was dropped onto my lamp shade and the door opened. The fairy girl went POOF! And she was gone and May stood by the door totally oblivious to what just happened with a glass of water in her hand.

                                My eyes flickered to the lamp shade and caught sight of the letter case again. I let out a sigh of relive that I wasn’t hallucinating.  I quickly looked back at May who seemed to be talking to someone. She gave me a look that basically said’ I need to get drunk girl’. I nodded my head yes and she walked over and gave my water. Then she spun on her heel and went out the same door she had come in from.

                               As much as I wanted to look at that letter the alcohol in my body made it hard enough to see my own feet, so truly the only think I could do was, PARTY!

                          So ditching my bed I through on some more eyeliner and mascara and switched my Wet Seal pumps for my DEB ones. Staggering out of my room I locked my door the best I could then I slide down the stair railing to get down stairs. Accidently landing on the hottest and I mean hottest boy I have ever seen. “Oh my god~! I am so sorry! I should have watched where I was going. Do u need help?” I yelled over the music so he could hear me.

                     “No I’m fine but you look pretty shaken up! Do you want to dance? So you can let loose?” he asked innocently with a huge smirk on his face. I quickly nodded my head and we went to the dance floor and I started unwinding. Shaking my hips and licking my lips I danced as close as possible with him. He was grinning like he won the lottery, if he only knew he was not gunna get laid. I mean hell no!

                      “I’m going to get myself a beer, you want anything?” he asked nicely. I smiled and shook my head no. when he walked away I watched him from behind, and I have to say it was a good view!

                       I danced with as many people as possible when I waited for him to come back. I only waited because he was the best eye candy to ever, and I mean ever, walk into the barriers of my house.

                       I grinned wildly when I saw him strutting toward me with a beer in his hand and a glass of coke in the other. He handed me the coke and I took a huge sip. My nose scrunch when I realized it has rum in it along with the coke. I turned to see him smiling at me and I placed the coke on the coffee table and we started dancing.

                       We were making out in the kitchen when I noticed May was in my medicine cabinet with a bottle of aspirin in her hand! Crap! She was too drunk to tell how much she should have! She might over dose! I sprinted over to her at my top drunk speed and grabbed the bottle and through it behind the fridge. Then I locked the cabinet back up and looked over at her to see if she had taken any. By the way she was glaring and muttering about a head ache I doubted it. She only does that when she doesn’t get any of something.

                     I smiled sheepishly when I realized she was quite sober. “How are you not drunk, last time I checked you were drunken k beyond belief?” I asked. She looked at me like I was stupid.

                  “That was three hours ago Cas! Its 3am right now!” she said like I was the stupidest person ever. I stared at her with disbelief. I guess when having fun time flies.

                   I shook my head with a funny look placed on my face and I walked over to the clock and I choked. It was almost four! I laughed and turned to my friend and she started laughing. Then I went into the living room to get the football players so they can help me move the fridge to get May some aspirin.

                  That was really embarrassing; I can’t believe I didn’t recognize my own best friend wasn’t drunk.

                      “Hey! I need some hotties to help me move the fridge!” I yelled out and the football players started moving toward me recognizing their nicknames, while their girlfriends slapped them for responding to a girl calling them hotties. I tried to hold back the laughter so they would keep on getting scowled and slapped; I mean it was freaking funny!

                      Moving toward the kitchen I waved for them to come, and had to wait for a half a minute for them to follow! I mean it isn’t like those blonde bimbos compare to me! The brown haired goddess!

                      When they finally got into the kitchen, with the bimbos practically attached to them, they helped me move the fridge. When it was pushed off of the wall I grabbed the aspirin and gave it to May; while the Football players and their bimbos moved my fridge back into place.

                           With a huge sigh I hopped onto a kitchen stool and laid my head down on the granite countertop. I was tired beyond belief. Then I remembered the beauty I had fell on early and I jumped off the stool and sprinted around the house to find him making out with some random slut in my pantry.

                         Pretending to gag I shut the door and told May to get the squirt guns. While she went off into my PRANK ROOM otherwise known as my attic I locked them in.

                     Upon her return we filled the guns up with soap and the opened the panty door once again.

                             The look on their faces when we soaped them until all you could see was bubbles was priceless. Teaches him to play me!


A/N~ please vote!!!!! and or comment! i want to know if anyone is reading my story.

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