チャプター1 (Chapter 1)

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It's winter time and the snow has piled up everywhere on my street. School is canceled and all the students are outside playing in the snow. I'm inside writing music like always. I've been working on a song for a while and I planed on finishing it up soon. "I just can't get this next part right" I said. It was missing something. Another singer. Another Vocaloid. A thing about us is that we are marked with a number. Like my friends Rin and Len are marked with the number 02. Since they are twins they have the same number. I'm marked with V3. It may be different from the others but I'm still a vocaloid. There is one Vocaloid that has been hiding after her last song. She's the 01 Vocaloid. "I hope I see her one day" I thought.

A truck was pulling into the drive way of a house across the street. The people who lived there moved out a few days ago. "I wonder who's moving in across the street" I thought. I grabbed my coat and blue scarf and went outside. I walked across the street to see who was moving in. I walked behind the truck and saw a girl carrying a box. She had blue hair and had it in twin tails. Her eyes were blue as well. She was a little shorter than me. "Hello. My name is Kaito. Welcome to the neighborbood" I said with a smile.

"Hello Kaito. My name is Hatsune Miku. Nice to meet you. Can you lend me a hand?" Miku asked. I nodded and helped her with her things. We went inside and went to her room. She already had her bed and stuff laid out. "I guess you have already started moving in" I said. Miku looked at me. "Yes. We moved most of my stuff in yesterday. This is the rest of it. Thanks for your help Kaito." Miku said. I smiled. "No problem Miku. I live right across the street if you ever want to hang out. I would enjoy your company." I said. She smiled and nodded. "It sounds fun" She said. Her mother brought in her last box. Miku ran to it and opened it. "What's in the box?" I asked. She opened it and out came her music set.

"I thought I left this back at my old house. Thank god it's here." Miku said. She brought it to her computer desk and set it up to her computer. It began to turn on and then she looked at me. "Umm...you need to go. Let's talk later. Goodbye Kaito." Miku said. She pushed me out and closed her bedroom door. "Well that was weird. What was that all about" I thought. I left the house and went home. A few hours later I heard a knock on my front door. "I wonder who it is" I thought to myself. I went to the front door and opened it. It was Miku.

"Hey Miku. What's up?" I asked. "Hi Kaito. I just came to say sorry about kicking you out earlier." She said. I smiled. "It's ok. Come in. I have hot coco" I said. She smiled and came in. We went to my room and I went to get the coco. I came back in. "You can take your coat off if you want to" I said. "No it's fine. I'm still cold anyway" she said. I handed her a cup of coco and I sat down next to her. "So tell me about yourself Miku" I said. "Well...I'm kinda an open book. I'm 16, a chatter box, I love music and singing and that's about it. I don't have any secrets." Miku said.

"Cool. I'm 16 as well. I actually write my own music every once and a while. I'm working on one too." I said. She smiled. "I wanna see!!" Miku said with a smile. I pulled out the papers and she looked over them. While she was doing that I pulled out my guitar. She smiled. I began to play the tune for the song and I began to sing. Once I got to the chorus she began to harmonies with me. We got to the part in the song that I stopped on. Her voice was beautiful. Her voice was amazing. Her voice sounded like.....the 01 Vocaloid. "Hey Miku. Are you sure you don't have a single secret?" I asked.

"No. Why would you ask that?" She asked. I told her to take off her jacket. She hesitated. She took off her jacket and pulled down her sleeve. It was the 01 symbol. "I can't believe it....you are the first Vocaloid!" I said with excitement. She got up and began to walk out. "Miku wait!" I said. She stopped. "There is no reason to hide it.....because I'm a Vocaloid too" I said. She turned around and looked at me. I pulled up my sleeve and showed her my symbol.

"You are the V3 Vocaloid? I thought I was the only Vocaloid." Miku said. She took her jacket off and sat down next to me. "Trust me. You aren't the only Vocaloid out there. There are tons others. My friends Rin and Len are Vocaloids as well. I haven't seen them in years." I said. "Don't worry you will see them again. Let's finish up this song of yours" Miku said. We both smiled and we sang and played until it was time for her to leave. She was singing up a storm and I was coming up with lyrics at random. It was time for her to leave. "I had fun today Kaito. Let's hang out tomorrow ok?" Miku asked. I nodded. "Goodnight Miku." I said. "Goodnight Kaito." Miku said. She left and went home. Little did I know it but I had a crush on Miku. The first Vocaloid.

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