第6章 (Chapter 6)

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Rin and Len began to start us off and I played on my guitar. Miku joined in with the chorus. Everyone was amazing. "Hey Miku. I hope you don't mind me asking but where were you?" Len asked. "I don't mind you asking. I was moving from place to place. Keeping my head low and avoiding attention. A few events have made me decide to hide and a situation like this is another reason that I wanted to quit singing and hide. All because everyone hated me and wanted me dead. I wish I never had this stupid 01 symbol on my skin." Miku said.

"Think of it this way. That mark makes you special. Trust me. My brother and I have been through the same thing and I bet Kaito has too. We are with you all the way." Rin said. "She's right Miku. Once a Vocaloid always a Vocaloid. We stick together from now on. No leaving anyone and no excluding anyone from anything." Len said. "We are here for you Miku. No matter what." I said. Miku smiled. "Thank you all. It feels good to know that I have friends." Miku said. A knock came on the door.

"I wonder who it is?" I said. Len got up and went to the door. He opened it and a girl with green hair came in holding her arm. She was bleeding really bad. "Rin get the first aid!" Len shouted. He sat the girl down and held her hand. "That stupid little mother--"

"Hey what did we say about bad words? What happened out there." Len said. "Well if you must know Ia found me and decided to take a blade and try to stab me. It hit my arm and I took off running. I got some valuable info as well." The girl said. Me and Miku walked up to her. Rin brought the first aid kit and began to help. "I almost forgot. We found her." Len said. "Who?" The girl asked. She looked at Miku. "You mean....you're the 01 Vocaloid?!?!?" The girl said. Miku nodded and smiled.

"Well it's good to see you. I'm Gumi. Im a Vocaloid as well. I've been hanging with Rin and Len for a while now. Nice to meet you." Gumi said. "Nice to meet you too Gumi. My name is Hatsune Miku." Miku said. "Wait...spell your first name." Gumi said. "H-A-T-S-U---"

"Ok so you aren't the fake." Gumi said. "Speaking of which what info did you get on Luka and her organization?" Rin asked. "Oh yeah. I'll tell you. So Luka is trying to perfect the ultimate Vocaloid. Ever since the 01 Vocaloid left she has created a copy of her. Hatzune Miku. The only thing that was missing was the voice. She has been searching all over the world for you Miku. You are her missing link. She knew that you moved into town and that's why she created the singing contest." Gumi said.

"We had no idea what her intentions were before yesterday. When we found out we had to take action. So we did what we had to so we could make sure that you two were ok. We took the car and brought you here. We need to do a few things to really ensure our safety." Rin said. "And what is that?" I asked. "There is one person that we need." Rin said. Len had a weird look on his face. "No. Not him." Len said. "Yes him." Rin said.

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