第9章 (Chapter Nine. Kaito's point of view)

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I stayed up with Miku because she wanted to hear what Gakupo had to say. He and Gumi walked in. "So? What happened?" Miku asked. Gakupo had a sad look on his face. "They want to kill you." Gakupo said. Miku began to frown and cry. "I wish I was never even born." Miku said. She ran in tears into the other room. "Go ahead. We will come up with a plan." Len said. I nodded and went to see Miku. I went in the room but she wasn't in there. I heard tears and I went to the closet.

"Miku....mind if I sit next to you?" I asked. Miku didn't say anything. I went in the closet and sat next to her. I held her close as she cried into my shirt. "Why me.....why was I chosen to be the 01 Vocaloid.....why was I born...." Miku said. I kept brushing her hair and wiping her face. "Miku....it's ok. I'm here. I won't let them get to you. No matter what. I'll die fighting before I let them get to you." I said. Miku looked at me.

"Promise me something Kaito. If they do get to me....if I am captured....promise me that you won't give up. No matter what." Miku said in tears. "I promise." I said. I kissed Miku. "Carry me to the bed?" Miku said. I nodded, picked her up, and put her to bed. I tucked her in and kissed her. "I'll be with Rin and Len. I'll be in bed soon. I love you." I said. Miku smiled. "I love you too Kaito." Miku said. I turned off the light and closed the door. I went into the living room and sat down. "You know what you have to do now right?" Len said. "I have to protect Miku. With all my strength. No matter what happens to me she comes first." I said.

"Even if it means your life?" Gakupo said. He walked up to me. "I know you love her but is it really worth it? She is nothing but trouble. She will only drag you down with her." Gakupo said. I stood up. "I don't care if I get dragged into trouble. I love her and I'm not quitting or giving up now." I said with confidence. "Well then. Prove it to me. Never quit. No matter what." Gakupo said. I nodded. "Well I'm about to go to bed you guys. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight you guys." Rin and Len said. They went in their room. "Gakupo! Let's go." Gumi said. Gakupo stood up. "Well I'm off to bed. Let's talk again tomorrow." Gakupo said. I nodded and went to bed.

It was 2:00 in the morning and I began to hear noises. I sat up and looked around. The room was empty. I didn't pay attention to it so I went back to sleep. Next thing you know a loud bang went off. Miku shot up and so did I. "Kaito....I'm scared." Miku said. I got up and went to the door. "Kaito wait! Come here." Miku said. I walked over to her. She pulled me in for a kiss. "Be careful." Miku said. I nodded and went into the living room. It was really dark. I reached for a light switch. I turned it on and saw Rin, Len, Gakupo, and Gumi tied up in a chair. Len was awake. "It's....a...trap.." Len said. He passed out and next thing you know I took a hit to the back of the head. I fell to the ground and heard a scream. "Mi....ku..." I said with my last breath. I passed out and woke up on the couch. Gumi and Rin were sitting at the table and Gakupo was sharpening his sword. "What....happened?" I asked. Rin came up to me. She had a sad look on her face. "I don't know how to say this but...." Rin started.

"What happened?" I said. "They got Miku." Rin said. I was shocked. I thought I was dreaming. I stood up and ran to the room. I opened the door thinking that she was still in there sleeping like she normally does. I looked around. No sight of Miku. I opened the closet door thinking that she was in there crying again. She wasn't there either. I slowly walked and sat on the bed. "No....it's not true....it can't be true.....I won't believe it.....Miku....." I said. I began to cry. Rin and Len came to comfort me. They hugged me tight and didn't let go. I couldn't stop crying. It was too much. I couldn't believe it at all. I just kept think of Miku and what she's going through right now. "Miku....I love you so much.....I'm sorry"

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