Chapter 8

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I woke up for the second time and there was yelling downstairs. Aaron came back into his room furious and started pacing everywhere.

"Aaron" I stood up and walked up to him but he continued pacing back and forth.

"Aaron!" I said making him yell back "What!" I flinched and he sighed. 

"I'm dad just came back" He said sitting onto the bed. "My mother  forgave him, how could she! he walked out on us and went with some whore!and today he shows up and says 'sorry' and my mother forgives him just like that!" He yelled.

"You're mother loves him, Even though he might have done some pretty bad things she loves him Aaron" I said placing a hand on his shoulder, He took my hands and intertwined them with his.

"What time is it?" I asked

"Um about that, I told your parents to tell the school you were sick" He said scratching the back of his head. 

"Oh okay, Well I have to go back home to take a shower..I don't have clothes here and before you tell me to wear Bailey's clothes again it's a No, I wouldn't like my brother handing my clothes to some random girl" I said.

"You're not some random girl" he frowned.

"Maybe but still I'm sure she won't appreciate you giving me her clothes each time i'm here,so i'll go get some clothes from home then we could go somewhere to hang out" I said yawning.

"Sure" he chuckled.

We drove back to my house and I took the deepest breath before entering, I told Aaron to wait for me in the car just in case things got ugly.

I turned the knob of the door and entered. 


I walked into the living room and heard laughter coming from the kitchen.

I saw mom,my dad in a wheel chair for some reason and my brothers laughing all much for missing me. I sighed ran to my room with tears in my eyes.

I threw few clothes in my bag pack with money I saved up these few months. what else do you need Elise? Oh! my books. I threw few books into my bag pack with my school supplies.

I took a shower and felt tears sting my eyes. 

You're a coward Elise. I heard a voice inside my head.

Confront your problems instead of running away from it! The voice said again.

I'm not running away! 

Yes you are! the voice said.

I just need time! I argued back, this time the voice didn't reply...The voice was gone. Am I becoming crazy!. I turned the water off and wrapped a towel around my body picking out a black skinny jean and a white crop top with my grey hoodie over it. I braided my hair and threw my bag over my shoulders heading downstairs.

"Elise" My mom said sounding breathless. I ignored her and looked at dad.

"I'm glad you're okay" I said "You could of told me.." I whispered and he looked at me.

"I'm sorry I didn't want you to worry" My dad said taking hold of my hand.

"That's my job as a daughter! to worry about you! you scared the crap out of me last night!" I said "Please never hide things like that to me dad ..please" I said and he sighed nodding. I kissed him on his forehead and smiled. I turned around and felt little arms wrap around my legs, Jack was all smiley as usual. I kissed him on his cheeks making him giggle.

I opened the fridge and grabbed something to eat real quick.

"Elise.." I heard Don 

I looked up to find him staring sadly at me. "Not right now, I can't do this" I said shaking my head.

"Elise please" My mother suddenly spoke up.

"Shut up.." I whispered and yelled "Shut up! You both!" I said pointing to mom and Don. 

"Elise don't talk to your mother and brother like that" Dad said.

"Why the hell not! while I was worried about you yesterday they both gave me the cold shoulder and Don told me.." I took a deep breath "He told me to stop calling you dad because I wasn't you're daughter" I said 

"You did what" My dad glared at my mother and Don.

"I was just tired! and you wouldn't shut up with all your questions! It just came out!" Don said trying to defend himself.

"can you blame me! I didn't know that my father would be going through an operation of course I would ask questions!" I yelled at Don now crying.

"Do none of you trust me.." I whispered wiping my tears. "we do" they all said together.

"then why are you all shutting me out!gosh sometimes I don't even feel part of this family" I said

"Then go back to your actual parents! those rich ass people go back to them! " My mother yelled.

"So this is what this is all about? You thought I would Go back with Liza and Greg? I said i wasn't leaving!" I yelled.

"Those people may be my real parents but they abandoned me! you are my real were the ones who raised me not them! so why would I go with them!?" I continued to yell but this time pacing back and forth. 

my mom started to cry and I couldn't stand it. I walked up to her and hugged her, She hugged me back whispering 'sorry' over and over again.

"it's okay" I said wiping her tears and kissing her forehead.

"I'll be gone for a while, I'll be back soon okay?" I told my parents who both nodded.

I turned around and opened the door.

"Elise please.." I heard Don's voice crack.

I turned around and couldn't help but hug him. I don't like keeping grudges against the people I love. 

"It's okay Don..Love you..I'll be back okay take care of them for me" I whispered making him nod in understanding and I ran to Aaron's car.

"You yell a lot" Aaron said making me chuckle.

"you heard all of that?" I asked.

"yer, at some point I felt like you were going to explode" He said making me laugh.

"So where to?" He asked

"I know a place" I said winking at him making him chuckle.

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