[CLOSED] Challenge #7 - Animal Magic

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Challenge Type: Flash Fiction

It's not just humans who would find themselves affected by a zombie apocalypse. Like the old saying goes, clams have feelings too!

Your challenge here, should you choose to accept it, is to put yourself in the shoes of a squirrel or a similarly tree-dwelling creature, watching from afar (and upon high) as a zombie horde decimates a group of people.

What goes on in your mind as you watch?

Do you even understand what is happening and what, potentially, the events you're watching might mean to you?

Do you consider doing something to help?

Could you help, whether you wanted to or not?

Only you can answer those questions, and many more besides!

Using no more than 500 words, write a story from the point of view of a squirrel or similar. Post your story to your own profile and add the tag #WattZombieAnimalMagic and also paste the link to your story into the comments below.

Entries exceeding 500 words will not be eligible for judging.

This challenge closes on Thursday, September 14th!

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