[CLOSED] Challenge #6 - #NightOfTheSteamedUndead

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A Day in the Life of a Steampunk Zombie Hunter

It's quite simple, really, especially as the title says it all. For this WattZombie/Wattpunk contest we want you to tell the story of a day (or night, of course!) in the life of a steampunk zombie hunter.

Sounds simple enough, right?

Well before you ready your blunderbuss, don your top hat or tighten your corset, we should probably warn you of a twist or two, a spanner we're about to throw into your proverbial works...

Your story must use one of the prompts mentioned below as inspiration. Which prompt you use is your decision and your decision alone.


1 - I was never known for keeping good company. In fact some might say society's most nefarious individuals were drawn to me. If they were still here, I'd tell them that's no bad thing for nowadays, with the world in the state it is, only those nefarious individuals, those with cunning and a side dark enough to make the devil himself blush, can survive.

2 - Her mother always told her to be wary of strangers but it was those strangers, those very men and women her mother warned her about, who had made her what she was; an expert hunter, the very best of the very best.

3 - He remembered a time when his inventions were intended to better mankind. That time was long gone for betterment was no longer an option, not when survival took such precedence.


Whichever of the above prompts you use, feel free to make your character male or female, regardless of what it says up there!

To qualify, tag your story #NightOfTheSteamedUndead and post the link below.

No more than 2000 words.

The closing date for this contest is Sunday, August 27th.

Any submissions exceeding the word limit or submitted after the date given will be considered ineligible for judging.

Unfortunately we can only accept entries written in English as we do not have the judging capabilities for other languages at this time.

Please do try to keep your story suitable for all readers [PG-13], though of course, there will always be a degree of leniency.

As with all WattZombie contests the winning entry, as chosen by a team of experts in their respective fields, those from the collaborating accounts, will be read aloud (see the vocal options here) and posted to the WattZombie YouTube account. Not only that but an e-copy of krazydiamond's Zombies VS Aliens is up for grabs, too!

Prize Breakdown

1st place - An audio reading of the winning entry + an e-copy of Zombies VS Aliens by krazydiamond.

2nd place - An e-copy of AngusEcrivain's Getting Stephen Laid.

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