A/N: So yeah we are on holiday so I can write a lot :3 hope you are still enjoying the story.
Mom burst into tears and walks out of the room. Dad looks at her untill she is out of sight and than shakes his head disapprovingly. "How could you?" he askes. "You always were such a nice and happy girl, how did you come in to this?" He is right, I always WAS.
At my fourth we lived in a little town nearby Los Angeles. We moved there because of my father's work. It was quite nice there and the people were always nice. Well, most of them. At school it was a lot different. For the first three years everything went fine but at my seventh there came a new girl in my class named Helena.In the beginning she was such a nice girl and I became friends with her. But I forgot to think about my best friend Lisa. While I was making fun with Helena during breaktimes, Lisa just sat inside cause otherwise she was getting bullied by the others.
Eventually I noticed that I was ignoring her. After talking we became really good friends again, but Helena became jaleous. She started bullying us and the whole class was at her side. I dont know why but even the teachers did. So we ended up sitting inside tpgether during breaks. When I turned 10, my dad got offered anotherupgrade at work and we moved to Oklahoma.