Shades of White

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Fall in love

Open my own dance studio

Save someone's life

Get a tattoo

Go skinny-dipping

Be in a movie

Be in a play

Dance somewhere outside of my studio

Read every one of Shakespeare's plays

Take a class in philosophy

Live abroad

Meet someone famous

Learn to snowboard

Go apple-picking

Write a book

Sing in front of a crowd

Go scuba-diving

Learn to play guitar

Change someone's life

Live without fear

So that's what my "List of things to do before I die" used to look like. Now when I look at it, I don't think,

'Wow, there are so many cool things in this world that I could do.'

Nope. And I don't think,

'I wonder if I could achieve any of those things today?'

Instead, when I look at that version of the list, I think,

'Holy crap, I was so naive!'

So right now, I have taken it upon myself to revise my list in a more...realistic way. So here I am, sitting in a first-class window seat (I really don't know why my parents bothered to send me first-class) on a 747 (which, by the way, should have left approximately...17 minutes ago...what is taking so long?) bound for San Diego, with my tray down and pen in hand.

So do you want to know what my list looks like now? Here it is:

Fall in love

Open my own dance studio

Save someone's life ←Do I really think that I could do that?

Get a tattoo ←I would be too scared!

Go skinny-dipping ←Ditto.

Be in a movie

Be in a play

Dance somewhere outside of my studio

Read every one of Shakespeare's plays

Take a class in philosophy

Live abroad

Meet someone famous

Learn to snowboard ←Why bother? I don't know anything about it

Go apple-picking

Write a book

Sing in front of a crowd

Go scuba-diving

Learn to play guitar

Change someone's life

Live without fear ←I know that is impossible

Basically, none of it is really feasible. You might call me a pessimist, but I think I'm just being realistic. Why the sudden change in heart, you ask? Why should an 18 year-old girl be so unhappy? Well, let's just say that life proved itself to be different than I thought it was. I'm a bit touchy about it, and um...well...maybe I'll explain later.

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