02 | The Beginning

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Your PoV


My voice breaks through to me in the midst of a heavy haze. My body is lethargic... I don't want to get up.

The last thing I remember before I jumped into the water was the wan moonlight glinting off of something. If I'm still alive, which I'm pretty sure I am, is that glinty thing what saved me?

I hear something moving beside me, something like a desk chair rolling around a little on a concrete floor. I shift just the slightest bit, and wince with the effort it takes to move. I lie back down, worry seeping into my brain.

The desk chair noise pauses. I hear the soft clink of glass against metal, and the desk chair's wheels scrape backward.

I open my eyes carefully, and quickly close them again as a source of unnaturally white light pours on me from above.

"Oh... Hey, it's okay." a gentle voice says to me. "I don't know if you saw me or the light hurt your eyes, but I won't hurt you. Promise."

The light flicks off, and I open my eyes again. Spots swim in front of my vision, and I realize it was a huge mistake to look right at the light. But as they fade away, I am met with the sight of a tall green teenager wearing a purple ninja mask.

I'm not sure how I should react. Should I be afraid, or should I laugh? Am I seeing things? I am supposed to be dead, so is this heaven or something?

He cocks his head at me, his reddish-brown eyes reflecting worry.

He did say that he wouldn't hurt me, and at the moment, I don't know who or what to trust. So I shove the pain aside and sit up.

"Who.... Who are you?" I ask. My voice is scratchy, as if I haven't used it in a long time. My throat burns.

The green boy turns around, and hands me a cup of water that was on the table beside me. I notice now that he has a shell. I drink some of the water, quizzically taking in his figure.

"My name is Donatello," he finally says. "I know this is really weird... But yes, I'm a turtle. A mutant, actually."

I look at the sculpted muscles framing that shell, in his arms and legs. Donatello is pretty tall and kind of thin.

"Um, you can call me Donnie." he adds.

Setting down the cup he gave me at last, I wave a little. "N-nice to meet you. I'm (Y/n)."

I inhale deeply, stifling a yawn. "Did you save me?" I ask a bit shyly. I don't know why I sound like this, but I'm not sure I'm comfortable with it. I squirm involuntarily.

Donnie comes a step closer. "Yeah, that was me. Are you okay...?"

He trails off, and his eyes focus on my right arm. As I follow his gaze, I see a white bandage peeking out from under the shirt sleeve of my shirt. The jacket I wore to the docks is missing.

I wiggle my fingers, then try to lift the arm, but pain shocks my system. I quickly rest my right hand on my thigh, keeping my arm close to my body.

"You dislocated your shoulder," Donnie says softly. "I put a brace on your back, and those bandages hold it in place. I advise not moving it for a while."

My shoulder feels numb, but at the same time quiet pain emanates from the source.

"It might be hard to move until it heals a little more," Donnie continues, "but that's nothing to worry about. I'll take good care of you while you're here, promise."

I look up at him again, meeting his eyes. In the confusion, he had placed his hand on my other arm, and now he pulled back, seeming embarrassed.

"Where is 'here', anyway?" I ask. "Where did you take me?"

"You're in the sewers," Donnie says. "In my family's secret lair."

I pause for a second to take this in. "So I have to promise not to tell anyone about you or your family, right?" I inquire carefully.

Donnie breathes a sigh of relief. "Yeah, exactly. You know the drill, huh? Um, besides me, I have an older brother named Leo, and two younger brothers named Raph and Mikey."

"Do they have renaissance artist names like you?" I ask, remembering studying them in history class.

Donnie nods. "Mhm. Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo."

Before he can say anything else, another Turtle boy pokes his head through a pair of double doors I hadn't noticed. This one wears an orange mask not unlike Donnie's, and stares at me intently for a minute before shouting behind him for, I'm guessing, the other two brothers.

"LEO!" he yells, now leaning out of the doors. "RAPH! That girl's awake!"

Donnie takes one last glance at me. "Don't worry, (Y/n). My brothers will love you. They aren't scary," he reassures me.

I smile a little as he rushes to the doors, pulling his younger brother inside. Two other boys, both slightly taller than the one in the orange mask but still shorter than Donnie, come in as well in answer to the orange-clad one's call. One wears a blue mask, and the other sports a red one and chillingly green eyes.

"Leo, Mikey, Raph..." Donnie begins, turning back toward me, "this is (Y/n)."


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