16 | Together

673 19 51

Your PoV

Now that Donnie and I are together, we spent the weekend with each other, just doing random things and having fun. After pizza last night, the guys let me go on a patrol with them, but they were a lot faster than I expected them to be.

I was panting and asking them to slow down, so Donnie told them to go ahead without us while we went home. It ended up raining, so we all went back to the lair and watched some old movie with bad animation that I fell asleep in the middle of.

I woke up with my head on Donnie's shoulder, his arm around me.

"What do you feel like doing today, Angel?" he asks me, his voice soft.

I shrug. "Whatever you want to."

Donnie yawns. "You're too easy to please. Make me want to do something for you."

Donnie's brothers lie around us, having fallen asleep in the same spots last night as well. Raph cracks open an eye and smirks at us.

"Could you get me some water?" I reply reluctantly. "My throat's kinda dry. We ate a lot of salt last night."

Donnie gets to his feet, kisses my forehead, and walks into the kitchen. Raph stretches, picks his head up, and blinks at me.

"Heard you two are dating," he says smoothly.

I nod. "I... Um, is that okay?"

Leo opens his eyes, too. "We could see it coming from a mile away. All that guy wanted to do was impress you."

"You're cute together," Raph agrees.

"Somehow, I thought Mikey would be the first to say that," I smile. "If you guys weren't opposed to it, I mean."

"How could we?" Leo asks, a helpless smile on his green face. "Donnie's our brother, and he's happy. You're our friend, and hopefully, you're happy too."

I laugh quietly as Donnie comes back, looking a bit red. He hands me my glass of water.

"I couldn't be happier," I murmur, as Donnie nudges my forehead with his.

Mikey grins over in his corner, his cheeks in his hands. "You're so cuuuute," he coos. "I can't believe Donnie got a girlfriend before me, and I'm the cute one."

"I'm sure you'll find someone soon," I say. "How old are you guys, anyway?"

"Seventeen," Leo responds.

"Cool," I say. "I'm sixteen, so maybe if some of my friends were to meet you guys...?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

Raph grins in his own sarcastic way. "I don't need a girlfriend just yet. It's great teasing material for Donnie as it is."

Donnie rolls his eyes.

"Besides, if your friends saw us, they'd probably freak," Leo agrees. "Donnie's good for us right now."

Mikey pushes Donnie playfully from behind, who wraps his arms around me as he tumbles to the cold concrete floor.

"Donnie!" I laugh. "Maybe we should get some breakfast. I'm hungry."

"Coming right up," Donnie replies. As he stands, his grip around me tightens, and before I know it, he's lifted me right off the ground.

"Donnie, what are you doing?" I say, wriggling in his grasp. He hugs me, still standing there, then heads into the kitchen again to see what we can eat for breakfast.

"Dude, you guys are adorable!" Mikey shrieks, following us with a starstruck look in his eyes. "I wanna be cute like that too! (Y/n), I wanna meet your friends!"

After a breakfast of pancakes, bacon, and some raspberries I'd bought them, I follow Donnie into his lab, where he aims to work more on his Corvette.

"As if it needs any more maintenance," I sigh. "What are you doing to it this time?"

"Horsepower," Donnie says from under the hood. "I want it to go faster. This baby can go around in public, as long as nobody sees us and the windows are tinted darkly enough, but it could double as a getaway vehicle and a patrol car, ya know?"

"I guess," I murmur, sitting on the table.

Donnie turns to look at me. "Um, you can do your homework on my computer, if you want."

I groan. "D, it's Saturday. I don't wanna do homework..."

"Get it out of the way, Angel," he advises. "I'll help you if you need it, just call me."

I press the space bar, and the computer wakes itself up. The background screensaver is a collage of pictures.

Of me.

There's one of me laughing, one of me sleeping in his bed, and one of me- of course- eating the pizza he'd had specially ordered for us. There were a few others, leaving me to wonder just how he acquired them all.

"Donnie...?" I say out of the corner of my mouth, turning my eyes to him.

Donnie snaps up, slamming his head on the open hood of the car. Paying no heed to his injury, he leaps across the room and pushes the desk chair that I'm sitting on away from the computer.

"What are you doing?" I ask, fighting back laughter. "Donnie, how did you get all of those pictures?"

Donnie looks blank for half a second, then starts spouting terrible pickup lines without pause or regret.

"Are you lightning, (Y/n)? Because you're sizzling hot! You spend so much time in my mind that I should start charging rent. Are you a coffee? 'Cause I like you a latte. Is your daddy a baker? 'Cause you have really nice buns! You wanna know my favorite letters of the alphabet? U R A Q T. Can you give me a piece of pizza? I want a pizza that ass. I think you're a banana, because I find you a peeling. Are you a beaver? 'Cause dammmmmmmm baby-"

"Donnie!" I cry. "You're terrible!"

Donnie squeezes me in a hug. "Sorry you had to see that. I didn't mean it, I swear."

I hug him back. "It's okay, you big shellbrain. Your lips look lonely, would they like to meet mine?"

Donnie laughs weakly, then presses his lips to mine. We share a long, slow kiss, and when we finally let each other go to catch our breath, we both smile.

That's the biggest I've smiled in a long time.

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