20 | On His Own Time

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Your PoV

It's nearly midnight by the time I buy all the ice cream and get back out to the street. I quickly glance around, seeing Donnie's Corvette at the corner, waiting for me.

I start to walk over.

I quickly stop, all the while thinking oh my god, oh my god! From where I'm standing, I can see three or four lanky figures creeping up to the car, weaponlike shadows in their hands.

I freeze up for a second, then reach with shaking fingers for my phone, which is in my back pocket. I quickly text Donnie about the impending danger, then close it and start to run.

The wind whistles in my ears, just barely drowning out my own voice. I hurry up to the silhouetted figures, stopping just before they'd be able to clearly see me. One notices me running up, and nudges the others, pointing.

"Hey," I say, louder than I'd expected out of myself. "Step away from the car."

"This yours?" one of them replies, taking a step closer. "It's a mighty nice car."

I clutch the Duane Reade bags in my hands, ready to argue. "It's my boyfriend's car," I correct him.

The tallest of them, who is Korean-looking and wears a pair of purple sunglasses, lays one of his hands on the Corvette. "What do you say, little girl?" he hisses, leaning forward slightly. "Will you let us take it off your hands?"

"No," I say firmly, as if unaware of the trouble I'm about to get myself into. "I can't let that happen."

Suddenly, Donnie whips over the top of the car, his feet slamming one guy in the head. He spins around, pulling out his bo staff, hitting the other two behind the Korean leader in the blink of an eye.

"Turtles," the leader hisses.

Donnie smirks, putting an arm over my shoulder. "What's wrong, Hun? Did you miss me?"

Hun grimaces, taking off his sunglasses and folding them, sliding them into his breast pocket. I note that his fingers each have a ring or two, which flash brightly in the dull light of a streetlamp above us.

"I did not." Hun answers, readying himself for a fight as the goons behind him get up. He sighs. "But I suppose taking your vehicle will have twice the satisfaction after I pound you and your little friend into the sidewalk."

"(Y/n), get in the car," Donnie whispers to me.

I put the bags of ice cream down on the pavement.

"(Y/n)..." Donnie hisses. "What are you doing?"

"Fighting," I reply simply, a clenched fist whipping from the side of my body. I hit Hun square in the chest, knocking some air out of his lungs, but nothing else happens.

Hun smacks the side of my head, and I lose my footing and fall to the ground. My forehead hits first, causing fireworks to go off inside my head. Bursts of red and orange swim in front of my eyes as I try to get up again.

"Angel!" Donnie cries, offering me a hand as he blocks a hit from one of the other gang members. "(Y/n), just get in the car for now. I'll handle this."

Aware of the danger we're in, I snatch the bags from the sidewalk where I'd left them, yanking on the handle of the passenger door in my hurry to get inside. There, I plop the treats on the floor, and take in a few deep breaths.

I watch a silent movie from inside the sports car.

Donnie seems invincible for a long time, using hit-and-run melee attacks on the four men. He hops around, standing on the pavement one second and launching himself off the side of a nearby business the next. The goons run back and forth when they aren't recovering from a blow, trying to catch him. Hun barks orders at them that I can barely hear.

Suddenly, I feel sort of guilty.

Donnie took me out to get ice cream on his time. He was waiting for me outside the store because he personally couldn't go in. And now he's fighting off some muggers that wouldn't even be trying to rob him if he hadn't come out with me.

I open the door of the car and step out into the chilly night.

Donnie pauses for a second, looking over his shoulder at me, which earns him a punch from an angry Purple Dragon.

"(Y/n)!" he cries, picking himself up. "What are you doing?"

"Fighting!" I scream, repeating my former one-liner. I kick the closest mugger, and he groans, bending over in pain. I tell myself firmly that if I screw up again, I'll never be worth Donnie's time.

Together, we fend off the attackers. Donnie pulls most of the load, but I make sure to put in my fair share of punches. He gently corrects me from time to time, telling me to straighten my back or harden my hand.

"That's it, Babe!" he shouts from a building above as I hammer on a muscle-bound Dragon. Once I finish with him, leaving him on the ground with a black eye and a bloody nose, I target the skinny one, who is trying to scale the building to reach Donnie, who's already preoccupied with the mustachioed gangster and Hun.

"(Y/n)!" Donnie cries again, dropping a few things over the side of the building for me. They land on the sidewalk with a light clink, proving their metal composition.

I pick up Donnie's gift: three ninja stars with an interesting, flowerlike emblem on them. Testing the way to hold them, I flick my wrist and hit the skinny man in the butt on my first try. He yells in pain, his head whipping back to face me, but I've gotten a better aim at that point. Going for his face, my shuriken goes slightly off target and hits the brick right in front of his face, but bounces off the wall instead of falling like we both thought it would.

The skinny Dragon falls to the ground next to his comerade, a river of blood gushing from the bridge of his nose.

I watch Donnie flip the Dragon with the moustache over the side of the building, hearing a nice crack as the man lands on his arm. The way he screamed, it was as if I'd never heard Leo scream when the airhorn we'd planted in his room went off.

You'd almost think a battle-worn member of some gang wouldn't sound so girly.

Almost as soon as the echo dies out, Hun has Donnie pinned down, his green head and shoulders overlooking the pavement.

"Donnie!" I cry.

Donnie looks back at me. "Angel, save yourself!" he says back.

Suddenly, there are tears in my eyes. I finger the last shuriken Donnie gave me, and draw the blade across my non-dominant arm, screaming, "I can't leave you!"

As hard as I can, feeling blood stream down the other wrist, I flick the ninja star at Hun.

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