14 | Pickup

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Your PoV

"(Y/n)'s back!" Mikey embraces me, shouting to the rest of his brothers. "We missed you so much, dudette!"

Raph and Leo appear, surrounding me and Donnie.

"How've you been, (Y/n)?" Leo asks, pushing Mikey's arms away from me.

Raph smirks. "No more suicide attempts, right, Kiddo?"

I blush. "No. I'm never doing that again," I reply positively. "What's for dinner? It was a long day today, I'm starving."

We head into the kitchen, talking about how our day has been.

"Did anyone ask about where you were?" Leo inquires, sitting beside me. Mikey sits at my other side, to the immediate disappointment of Donnie. He sits across from me instead.

I shrug, answering casually. "Not really. A few people in my regular classes were curious, but I just said I hadn't gone anywhere."

"Which," Mikey interrupts, "is true. You didn't really go anywhere, 'cause we aren't that far from your house."

"Yeah." I nod in agreement. "It wasn't a huge deal to me anyway. My parents were just happy to have me back."

"What do you want to eat?" Raph asks offhandedly. "Don't stuff yourself, though- we're getting dinner pretty soon."

"I'll make us a snack!" Mikey volunteers. "You guys can go watch tv or somethin', 'cause it's gonna be a surprise!"

I stand up. "Well, whatever you have in mind, just make it fast."

Raph and I grin, as the rest of us head out and leave Mikey by himself.


Donnie's PoV

It's not long after (Y/n) gets her homework out that Raph switches on the tv out of boredom. It's on some news channel where we'd left it last, broadcasting something about Vladimir Putin in Russia.

Leo snatches the remote, having snuck up behind Raph, and pops in a tape of the new and improved Space Heroes. Raph groans, flopping down on the beanbag. I smother a smile.

(Y/n) isn't even phased by them. She just keeps working, shaking her head playfully at them.

If I look at her in just the right way, I can get a profile view of her pretty face without her knowing that I'm staring.

She's writing something down in a composition notebook, flipping through something on her phone. She's taking notes.

"What are you working on?" I ask, scooting closer.

Without looking up, she answers. "Classwork. Stuff I missed while I was gone."

"Oh." I reply, feeling as if I just made it awkward. But a smile warms her little face, and she glances up at me happily.

I turn away as she does, concealing from her view a red face and a silly grin.

It's then that we smell what Mikey was crafting in the kitchen.

The sweet, chocolaty fragrance wafts through the common room, tickling our noses with the heavenly scent.

"Is he making cookies?" Leo asks.

Raph raises an eyebrow. "It smells good. Can't believe he didn't screw it up with pepperoni or something."

"Or burn it," (Y/n) says out of the corner of her mouth. I grin.

She looks up again, finally, and we all focus on the kitchen curtain.

"Should we go see?" I ask.

(Y/n) nods, standing up and stretching her shoulders, which are tired from being leaned on while she did her homework.

We wander into the kitchen, seeing Mikey at the stove, delicately spooning out thick batter and placing it on the cooking tray balanced on the burners in front of him.

The timer on the stove beeps, and he slips his hand into a potholder and opens the oven, reaching into it to retrieve another tray. He places the one he was working on into the hot oven and closes the door behind it, setting another timer.

"Just a sec, guys," Mikey warns us. "They're hot, but they'll be ready in a few minutes."

"Mmm," (Y/n) says, smiling. "They look great, Mikey. Not burnt at all."

"It was just that one thing!" Mikey whines back playfully, poking her shoulder. "That one grilled cheese... What did you call it? Carcergenic?"

"Carcinogenic," (Y/n) and I correct him at the same time. She glances up at me, offering a smile.

"What does that even mean?" Raph mumbles, sitting at the table. Leo sits next to him as Donnie and I follow suit.

"Carcinogenic. It means it'll cause cancer," I reply. "Carcinogens are found commonly on burnt food as well as TCDD or Agent Orange, and some dioxins."

"I have no idea what that means either," Mikey says freely. He carefully places all of the cookies on a cooling rack, then picks one up.

He sniffs at it, then takes a bite.

"Mm," he says with his mouth full. "Oh man, these are really good, guys. You gotta try one."

Raph's hand shoots out, snatching two, which he immediately licks to claim as his own. Leo and I both take two as well, but I offer my two to (Y/n), who doesn't seem as competitive.

Mikey grins, handing me two more cookies. He takes another one for himself.

After inhaling our portions, (Y/n) asks if we can take some to Master Splinter. I could tell that she wants to include him too. She probably wants to know more about him.

Mikey agrees, putting five of them on a plate.

"You going by yourself?" Raph mumbles around a mouthful of cookie, stealing another from the cooling rack.

(Y/n) shrugs. "I don't know. That's okay, I'll just be really quick. Be right back!"

She slides out from the curtain, heading toward the dojo.

We look at each other, and I find myself taking another cookie and biting into it. Warmth lingers in the chocolate chips, and they spread themselves across my teeth as the cookie slides away from my mouth.

"Who wants to pick up the pizza tonight?" Leo asks, glancing at his phone. "I'm about to order. What do you guys want?"

"Pepperoni and maple syrup!" Mikey bursts out. "Get me two. Actually, better make that four. Or five. Get half of them with sprinkles."

"Bananas and Parmesan," Raph says.

Leo looks me in the eye. "What do you want, Donnie? And what about (Y/n)?"

"Jalapeños," I say, my voice slightly unsteady. "Jalapeños and purple jellybeans. And a half cheese, half pepperoni pizza. (Y/n) and I will share."

Leo shrugs as Raph gives me a knowing look.

"I'll pick it up, too," I offer. "Tell the guy to drop it off somewhere that isn't suspicious. I'll go get (Y/n)."

I breeze from the kitchen, brushing crumbs from my face. A smudge of chocolate stains the back of my hand, but I don't care.

I look firmly at the dojo.

I'll do it tonight.


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