01 • Way Back Home

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Chapter One

❝It was not love at first sight exactly, but — familiarity.

Like: oh, hello, it's you. It's going to be you.❞

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The ocean took its first breath.

     She laid on the sand with her bare feet, near the waves but never close enough that it could touch her. Watching them crash unabashedly, over and over again. As if the moon shone over the sea merely to whisper, "come, my love, let yourself take your first breath."

     Eleanor felt the same way. To most people, when the sun went down, it signalled the end of the day — for her, it was the opposite. The waves were alive. A force of nature lost in control. It was sights like these that made her believe the world was so much bigger than the rest of them. 

     And it was sights like these that made her heart break.

     She sighed, standing to wipe the sand off her sundress. Her co-workers should be expecting her soon. Though she was allowed to take short breaks like these, she didn't want to set a bad example, either.

     Anchor's was still in full swing. Full tables of laughing customers, waiters dropping sizzling hot plates, the faint yet distinct sounds of electronic music that wafted from the District. It never failed to put a grin on her face.

    "Len!" Jeff let out, relieved. "I almost thought you got lost there."

    "I had the stars to guide me." He rolled his eyes, and she grinned at him. "Were you worried about me, Jones?"

    "Of course I was." He held a hand to his chest. "Who else would charm our customers into our lovely shack?"

    "Are you saying that just to kiss my ass?"

    "Just doing what I can to survive, boss."

     Boss. It's been a year and she still wasn't used to it.

     Hours later, the crowd flickered out like the old lightbulb that sat atop the shack's counter. To the Anchor's crew, the busy night served as a good luck charm to the upcoming East Coast Championships. It was going to be packed tomorrow, as with the surfers arriving from all around the state. The crew had to give their all.

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