06 • A Hundred More

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Chapter Six

❝People can stay, leave, or save others,

but by far the most dangerous thing they can ever do is come back.❞

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Fate did not exist.

     In fact, he strictly lived against that made-up belief. He didn't want to entertain the idea that his destiny had been pre-determined. It couldn't be. Because if it was, that meant whatever obstacles he had faced and pain he had endured, it was planned. He had no choice in them at all.

     Fate belittled him.

     So Lenny must've rattled him up pretty damn hard if the only conclusion he had found was fate.

     Why was it her that he stumbled into that night? Why was it her that found his sketchbook, and spilled its contents? Why was it her that he needed to stay away from but couldn't for the life of him do? He thought it was bad luck, but three times a coincidence...

     She basically had all the arson she needed to strike an arrow through his heart, and she didn't even know it.

    "Hey." Zach lightly smacked the top of his head. "Earth to Theo?"

     He blinked. "What?"

     His friend gave him a look. "If you hadn't noticed for the past thirty minutes, we have a huge problem here." He gestured to their couch.

     Or, specifically, who was on it.

     A young boy was snoring peacefully, mouth parted slightly and his front against the pillows as one arm hung precariously towards the floor. Theo's brows furrowed with concern — it was obvious the boy was tired. Anyone would be, if they had travelled from the other side of the country.

     But the hows and whys made his blood boil. He wasn't angry at the boy, but at the people who were pulling his strings; a fury that had been building up since he was fifteen. Theo knew why he was here, what they wanted him to do. 

    "What do we do with him?" Theo murmured.

     Zach sighed, running a hand through his hair. "He's your little brother. You decide."

    "Hey, you know he's as much as your brother as mine."

     The two looked each other in the eye for a while. Zach didn't disagree.

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