Month 6: Overprotective Of You

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Claude's POV:
I have been protective over Sebastian ever since I found those footprints in the woods. Everytime​ he went outside to hang the clothes on the clothesline, I would go outside with him, carrying a gun with me. He reassured me that he was alright but I wouldn't here any of it.
Sebastian looks so big now, he's always glowing. He has been suffering from backaches and swollen feet so I always told him to stay in the bed and rest while I took care of the house and made him dinner.
Only three more months to go and I'm feeling terrified. Someone is watching us and Sebastian will be giving birth soon. My anxiety is going up through the roof.
Sebastian's POV:
I've been in bed for the whole entire day! Claude is being so overprotective over me that I'm about to lose my cool. If anybody even tried to hurt me, I would punch their teeth down their throat and make them suffer a pain worse than death.
I'm in a whole bunch of pain.l My back hurts, my feet hurt, I'm always hot, and I'm having Braxton Hicks which concerned me because I'm not due for another three months but Claude said it was natural to feel that but I don't know what to feel anymore. All this stress is killing me, I have nothing to do but lay in bed all day.
I wish Claude could understand that I'm safe but I can't tell him nothing because he won't listen. Oh Claude, please read my mind. I'm alright. I promise.

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