A different kind of New Start

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His eyes flickered back and forth to my lips and my eyes. I moved closer, but slowly. I ran my fingers along his jaw. He put his hand on the back of my head, pulling me closer. 

Closing my eyes, My lips met his. The sensation of his soft lips grazing mine. I was 207 years old and I've never kissed like that, I felt safe and normal. He was intoxicating me.

We eventually pulled away from one another. I looked at him, and struggled to find words or look away. I couldn't stop staring. I was paralyzed by his touch.

Finally, I found my words, "Stiles," all I could do was whisper, "I don't usually kiss my best friends." I paused, search for a way to put it. Then my thought was interupted.

"I think your more than my best friend, Mae." He said sheepishly.

I blushed, Our eyes couldn't depart. I felt a smile simply creep on my face. I Iooked away and I laid my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. I felt my eyes get heavier. I soon fell asleep again.

STILES POV: I smiled, I felt confident for once, I felt like a hero, more than a sidekick. I don't know how or why but this girl actually cared. I looked down to her. She was simply beautiful. Her strawberry blonde hair reaching to her lower back and her eye lashes long. She had a gorgeous sunkissed tan and long soft legs that matched her sunkissed tan. She pulled off the Cut off shorts and the effortless beauty.

She wasn't like other girls in Beacon Hills, She wasn't afraid to get dirty and she wasn't girly. She fit in with the guys, she did everything like we did but she looked beautiful while doing it. She made me feel strong and like I could protect someone, instead of hurting everyone. Mae was just that, She was Mae.

MAE POV: I woke up by myself. I looked around but no sight of Stiles. "Stiles?" I called out. But I got nothing. I looked beside me and his phone was here but his keys were gone. "Stiles..." I called out again not expecting an answer. I picked up his phone. It was 2 in the morning. I went through his contacts to find Scott, the boy who was thought to be his best friend. I pressed call.

"Stiles, what the hell, it's 2 in the morning, what are you doing?" he questioned, I heard his voice full with sleep.

"H-hes not here." I cried. I was scared.

"What? who is this, what happened?" He suddenly sounded alert.

"It's Maeve, the girl from the other night. He stayed again and I fell asleep, I woke up and.... H-he's gone.." I was sobbing.

"Ill be right there, I'm bringing Isaac." He hung up before I could answer. I ran to see if he took everything. but found nothing. I sat back on the couch and rocked back and forth. I was going crazy. This was crazy. I waited for about thirty minutes before I heard them there.

"Maeve, Did he take anything?" Scott asked.

"His jeep, He took his keys." I spoke frantically.

"His jeep is here." He pointed out.

I looked out the window into the drive way. Sure enough, it was. I stripped down while running into the backyard. I was oblivious to the pain of turning, I galloped into the woods, jumping over the gates and any other optsicals in my way. I listened and searched for his sent. I found a little trace.

I followed it finding only his shoes with his keys in them. Hes not here.

I search my head for the answers. Nothing. I exhaled quickly. I heard the others behind me searching for a sent. If he was out here, He would be barefoot and freezing. He could be dead.  

Im immortal. I get to spend my life alone? I couldn't die. I just wanted to be humans. 

My hooves hit the ground harder now that I forced myself to go faster. I was at the Edge. I was running beside the line of a cliff.

I smelt his refreshing sent. I changed back still oblivious to the pain so I could find my hero.

Just as I was human again something caught my eye.


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