{part 2}

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    I stand up from my desk for the first time all day, stretching, listening to my bones crack and whine before walking to the other side of the room, to the coat rack. I glance at the wall of all glass, admiring the twinkling lights of the city enclosed in darkness. It's as breathtaking as the first night I flew here from Seattle. The image of the lights from the plane window will forever be engraved in my mind, the bright pinks and oranges spotted in the black sea of skyscrapers, was a moment I never want to forget. I pull on my leather jacket and scarf, sighing as I head for my black and gray Michael Kors tote purse, filled with papers and information I need about the upcoming things in Jared's life. I sling it over my shoulder before grabbing my car keys and laptop, glancing one last time at the city lights I only admire from the office window when I'm lost in time and engrossed with whatever meeting I need to handle, or movie deal I need to land. I huff once more before stepping out of my office, locking to door behind me.
I love my job, I know it doesn't sound like it but really I do, I get to travel, I'm my own boss, I work with hot celebrities all the time, I mean, what more could I possible want? I had the perfect life, some said it was a little too perfect, but if they were in my place, working with Jared Leto, they wouldn't think so. Jared's great, he's a wonderful man, that deserves more than he'll ever get in life, but he's blunt, upfront, and won't take shit from anyone. He doesn't believe in love, marriage, or the value of a relationship, or so I've seen anyway, but we manage to get things done without a problem, so I don't care what he does with the other little chickies. It's honestly none of my business, so long as he keeps his name from the mud, we won't have a problem, because then it makes less work for me.
It's been two days since the little spat with Shannon, and he hasn't said much to me about it, which was rare for us. Shannon and I have been friends long before I moved out here, we met a while back when they were on tour and just instantly clicked, he's the reason I came out here. Six years ago their old agent was starting to crack under the pressure and needed a helping hand, so Shannon contacted me and offered me an assistant position, I of course said yes, anything to get me out of the newspaper job back home, since it wasn't going anywhere anyway. I quickly worked my way up to Assistant Agent and then agent, hiring my own assistant as soon as possible because I knew first hand how much work needed to be done, and I've been in love ever since.
Jared hated the idea of a young girl being the one to run the show, but all his displeased comments were dashed away within the first year of being the agent's assistant. He was impressed with my hard work and dedication in no time, and now, he leans on me for everything, all of them do... and it's hard work. Sometimes I feel like crying, but that's not really my thing, so I suck it up and move on as quickly as possible, especially because of the fact that with all the work they ask me to do it leaves me no time for a love life.
"Savannah Grayson?" I look back at my name being called, only a few feet from my car.
"Yes?" I ask curiously, my hand tightening its grip on my purse straps. I quickly glance around, noticing the few people walking around. How many of them would save me if this man were to attack me?
"Oh my god it is you!" He says excitedly stepping out of the shadows.
"Oh my god Matthew?" I sign in relief when I see his face. My heart beat gradually starts to slow down as he comes closer, pulling me in for a tight hug.
"I thought it was you but I wasn't too sure." I stare at the taller celebrity, his dark green eyes gazing into my caramel brown ones as he gives me a thousand watt smile.
"Yeah, it's been a while." I smile. "What are you doing here?"
"Just exploring." He says shrugging. "Where's my favorite man?"
"He's recording still." I nod looking around.
"He's always busy."
"Yeah he is." I nod again when his phone rings.
"Mcconaughey." He says shortly as he picks up. "Yeah alright... yeah... yeah I'm on my way." He hangs up before looking at me. "Sorry Sav, I gotta go."
"Yeah, me too."
"Nice to see you again though."
"Yeah it was." I smile at him gently again before disappearing into my car, letting him go wherever he needs to go. When I make it to my house, I'm greeted by a marble Bulldog puppy, her ears perked up when she sees me for the first time in well over twelve hours. "Maggie." I smile letting her lick off some of the make up on my cheek.

"Hello miss Grayson, how was your day?""It was good thank you Mary

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"Hello miss Grayson, how was your day?"
"It was good thank you Mary." I smile at my maid, before lifting up the Maggie, letting her nip my nose playfully. "Thank you." I smile again as Mary makes her way to the door. Huffing I grab a bag of chips, still holding Maggie and head up to my bed, dropping the pup gently on the queen memory foam mattress and soft pink sheets, putting my purse on the desk to the left of my bed before turning on the flatscreen directly across from the bed. I listen to the gently hum of voices making me feel not so alone anymore before stepping into the adjoined bathroom to the right of my bed. I untwist my hair from the bun set neatly on the top of my head before stripping off my blazer and white tank top, leaving me in my flesh tone bra. I turn on the hot water, grabbing my face wash and scrubbing off the make up from the hard day at work. I pat my face dry before stripping out of my pencil skirt and heels, losing my bra and underwear before crossing to my walk in closet to get in some clean underwear and a silk pajama short set. I flop down on the bed when I hear my phone buzz making me groan. Shannons name comes across the screen making me roll my eyes before sitting against the headboard of my bed, opening my laptop as I answer, Maggie carrying my bag of chips in her mouth up to my side, telling me she wants some too. "Yeah?" I answer chuckling gently before opening the chips, letting Maggie nose dive into the bag.
"Okay, I realized you're not going to call and apologize, so I will."
"Was that the apology?"
"Look, you just... you don't get it. I didn't get you the ticket to offend you, you work really hard and I just thought it was a thank you gift."
"Bull." I mutter, stuffing a few chips in my mouth. I listen to him sigh.
"Okay you're right."
"I know I am."
"He's just... distracted with you around."
"God you're oblivious. He likes you." I suck in a deep breath stunned, making me choke.

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