{part 11}

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Bryce Canyon National Park, Queens Garden Trail, Utah.
    I look around admiring the red and orange rock, the scattered tall trees blocking some sun from the hiking trail. I huff and puff, my pack digging into my back, but I don't care, being one with nature is something I'd kill for, climbing and hiking is something I'd give my life to do every day. My bun sits on top of my head some stray pieces falling into my face, but I don't mind, my tank top riding up from my shorts. I look up at the tall rock structures, shielding my eyes from the sun as I admire the sky, cherishing the way the orange red pops against the clear light blue of the sky. I let out a huff of air, my lips stretching into a smile. This is where I'm free.
    "Admiring the view kitten?" Alex teases.
    "I am actually." I smile at him.
    "So am I." He grins looking me over, worshiping the way I look in the heat of Utah.
    "You're not funny Alex." I tease walking ahead of him to catch up to Jared.
    "How you holding up Princess?"
    "Good, I just want to climb." I grin looking up at him.
    "Me too." He grins back at me. After a long day of climbing and exploring I sit out under the stars admiring the clear black blue sky, scattered with small specks of light. I sigh contently, bringing the crisp night air into my lungs. I felt the connection with nature, the thing Jared's always talking about. "What's happening kitten?" Jared grabs my attention coming to sit beside me.
    "Just admiring the view." I confess looking back up at the stars.
    "It's what makes the drive so worth it."
    "Where's Alex?"
    "Sleeping." I nod curtly before looking back up at the star speckled sky. I yawn loudly before laying back on my side, curled up facing him. "Don't fall asleep out here, a wolf might get you." I chuckle gently, looking up into his bright blue eyes, the silver blue moon light casting shadows over his face, making him look that much more handsome.
    "Let them." I say slowly, staring at him. I watch the grin creep over his face as he leans down to look at me, eye level.
    "You wouldn't let that happen princess."
    "I beg to differ."
"Oh, you beg?" He says pushing my shoulder gently making me roll back onto my back, facing the black sea of twinkling lights again.
    "Not a day in your life." I grin at him smugly.
    "I promise you will." He whispers his lips brushing against mine, making me chuckle. I mean, what's the chance this is even real? They always feel so real, but they're not, they're always dreams, one after the other, night after night. They're never real. I wrap my hand around the nape of his neck, my fingers brushing against his longer hair, before pulling him closer, our lips meeting in a passionate kiss. His lips are warm and soft, full of danger, and temptation, just like any other night. I moan against his lips making him chuckle, his hands roaming my curves making their way to the top of my yoga shorts, passing the seam headed right for my core. I break the kiss, my head tipping back, moaning gently making him grin down at me, his lips finding the sweet spot on my neck making me bite down on my lip to keep from crying out. "Let me hear you." He breathes in my ear, pulling away from me to pull off my tank top, forcing me to sit up. I take the chance to sit on his lap, feeling his erection press against my core making me gasp gently. Fuck I wish this was real.
My lips meet his aggressively, the need set deep in my soul as I pull at his hair, my fingers wrapped in the soft brown locks, his beard feels rough and scratchy against my bare face, but I kind of like it. I moan gently when his hands squeeze my ass, his fingers digging into the flesh. I buck my hips against his making him groan, his palm hitting the flesh of my ass harshly making my head tip back, a loud cry of pleasure leaving my lips. He takes the chance to attach to the prompt bud on my chest, plucking it between his teeth making me groan, my hands tightening in his hair, my heat throbbing, pleading for attention.
I'm gonna wake up any second now, I can feel it. My heart beats ridiculously fast when he rolls us over, pressing my bare back into the red rock, his hips set between mine as he kisses, and bites, his way down my body, not leaving permanent marks but making marks that'll be gone in a short amount of time. He yanks off my yoga shorts and underwear at the same time sitting back on his knees, biting his lip as he looks at me, laying completely exposed on the fertile land of Bryce Canyon. He leans forward blowing cool air over my dripping heat making me shiver, my hand kneading my breast, making him growl, his hands shooting up to grab mine, his fingers lacing with mine as he pulls them down to rest on the inside of my thighs, keeping them parted for him. I mumble a string of curse words when he finally gives me some relief, his tongue moving in expert strokes over my body making me sigh contently, my hands squeezing his tightly as he pushes me closer to the edge. I moan rolling my hips to get more friction when he pulls away making me groan.
"Jay." I whine, making him chuckle darkly, that devilish grin claiming his face as he untangles our hands grabbing my hips to pull me up onto his lap again. I yank off his joggers, setting him free, making me gasp, because... damn. He chuckles again only more gently this this time before grabbing the side of my face, pulling me into him, kissing me hungrily, before thrusting his hips up into mine making me gasp and moan at the same time. I let my head bow to rest on his shoulders as I bounce on his lap at the pull of his hands. I can't contain the moans that leave my lips, his arms pressing me into his solid frame as he takes me relentlessly. I can taste the climax I'm so close when he stops making me whimper.
"Say it." He growls breathlessly. "Beg me for it." I can feel him throbbing inside me still, my body feels like it's on fire, the heat spreading through every fiber of my being. I think about waiting, but I need to hit before this dream ends.
"Please, please." I beg, desperation dripping off my tongue.
"Fuck yes." He groans laying me on the rock again before pounding at me vigorously making my breath catch in my throat, my climax washing over me in waves. He pulls away from me, relentlessly pumping himself until he breaks, splashing against my lower stomach making me moan again.
    I lay there for an extra minute panting, waiting for the dream to come to a close. This is the longest dream I've ever had. Jared lets out a huff of air before looking at me, a grin claiming his face.
    "That was... exciting." I chuckle gently before rolling onto my side.
    "This dream's... the longest... I've ever had." I mutter before I let darkness take over. I wake up the next morning in the twin size bunk bed, on the bottom where Jared and I sleep. I roll over, the big T shirt twisting around my body as I stretch, my bones whining, my muscles tensing.
    "Morning my favorite kitten." Jared says grinning at me.
    "Morning." I smile at him gently before I roll onto the edge of the bed, my feet touching the carpeted floor. "Let's go climbing." I grin, standing up, letting the T shirt fall to my mid thighs making me look down. "Huh?" I pull his Camp Mars shirt away from my body. I look around, trying to remember putting it on, but I didn't.
    "What's the matter kitten?"
    "Hm? Nothing." I smile at him gently before going to the bathroom to get in my gear. When did I put on his shirt? Did I grab it by accident? I lift up the shirt slowly, noticing first that I have nothing on under it when I know damn well I put shorts on. Maybe I was just really tired and didn't realize or something. I find myself making up excuses because I honestly can't think of a logical reason as to why I'm wearing his shirt with nothing on under it. I shake my head gearing up to take on another mountain before looking at myself in the mirror. "It was just a dream Savannah, calm down." I rub my chest trying to will my heart to slow down before I step out into the early morning light of Utah, the shades of orange, purple, and pink blending in the sky above the red rocks, the wind blowing gently through my brown locks. It was just a dream.
    The week quickly comes to an end, the sex dreams in full swing, but none of them were as long, or real as the last one. I can't erase the dream of the two of us under the moonlight that night from my mind, it's all I can think about. I can still feel his burning touch and the way his lips felt on me, but they weren't real. I walk down the bustling streets of LA, headed for Dunkin Donuts to get my Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate when someone calls out to me.
    "Savannah Grayson?" I turn my head, the beach wave curls fluttering past my face, the wind blowing back my white leather jacket to reveal my soft pink flowing tank top, showing off my stomach and the top seam of my black skinny jeans. I look at the back hair woman with clear green eyes, her hair to her waist and straight, her romper hugging her curves as the top cuts into a V showing off her cleavage.
    "I'm sorry, do I know you?"
    "No, no you don't. I'm Carey, Jared's girlfriend." She holds out a perfectly manicured hand, holding a Starbucks cup in the other.
    "You're... Jared's girlfriend?" I breathe, my heart beating erratically in my chest, my teeth grinding, trying to keep the ping of jealousy to myself.

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