{part 13}

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Warning: Smut
"Sav this wasn't me." Jared says quickly.
    "Then who was it Jared? It was just one of their usual lies? We didn't sleep together so I have no idea what you told your little girlfriend, but keep her the hell away from me or you'll be digging her grave."
    "What?" He says confused. "Sav-"
    "I mean it Jared." I say cutting him off. "Tell your little toy to stay the hell away from me." I leave the magazine with him and walk out the door.
    "Savannah wait!" He comes running after me.
    "What?" I ask shaking his grip from my arm.
    "You- you said we didn't sleep together."
    "We didn't." I snap.
    "Yes we did." I look at him, my heart leaping into my throat, my mind racing, but I don't falter. He's lying, he has to be fucking with me. It was a dream like it always is. It's always a vivid dream, a lucid dream (A dream where you know it's a dream inside the dream).
    "What?" I search his face for his usual joking look, the mischief in his eyes that I know shine when he's lying and playing with my head, but I don't see it. "You're fucking with me."
    "No I'm not. You have two tattoos, the triad between your breasts and the lotus underneath it, stretching the underside of your breasts."
    "You saw me getting changed in London Jared, I'm not falling for it."
    "Savannah-" I shake my head staring at him.
    "I need to go."
    "Savannah!" He calls after me as I slip into the Lincoln Hybrid beside Jesse.
    "What's happening?" Jesse questions.
    "Just drive please." He does as instructed bringing me home where I curl up on the couch with a good book, when someone knocks on the door. Groaning I get up, looking out the peephole to see a nervous looking Jared. Sighing I open the door, wide enough for him to come in. The truth is I haven't read a single page of that book since I picked it up, four hours ago, all I can think about is Jared and him claiming to have slept with me. Could he have actually been telling the truth? It could've been real. I start to remember what was printed in that magazine.
    'Inside source spills all the juicy details on the scandalous relationship between agent and client. While away on their climbing extravaganza at Bryce Canyon, Queens Garden Trail, located in Utah, agent to Jared Leto, Savannah Grayson, was said to have put the moves on the relationship bound celebrity resulting in multiple nights of firey passion.' An inside source? The only two people that were even in Utah was Alex and Jared, so it had to be one of the two of them, but Alex was fast asleep, IF it even really happened.
    "So, what do you need?"
    "Why do you insist we didn't sleep together?" I look away from him before sighing.
    "-Because for the last few weeks... I've been having these dreams."
    "What kind of dreams?" He asks curious. I suck in a deep breath staring at him.
    "Sex dreams, more importantly Lucid sex dreams."
    "Lucid sex dreams?" He asks amazement buried in the undertone of his voice.
    "Yeah, where you know you're dreaming."
    "I know, I know what a Lucid dream is."
    "Okay, mister perfect." I snap, headed for the kitchen. "So are you the one that sold our little 'scandal' to the press?"
    "Why would I do that?"
    "I don't know!" I snap. "Look, I'm not saying it happened, but if you're so hell bent on it being real it must've happened."
    "It did happen!" He snaps.
    "Okay." I say annoyed.
    "Look I didn't say anything, Carey accused me and she must've went to the press and made it a bigger deal then it obviously was, and if anyone should be getting called out on doing shit they're not supposed to, it should be you."
    "Yeah, you slept with my brother!" I feel the blush spread across my face as I remember what happened between Shannon and I in this exact spot.
    "H-He told you?"   
"Yeah, he did. He didn't believe that I slept with you so he had me prove it and ended up selling himself out."
"Dammit." I mutter. "What do you want me to say? I did. I slept with him right here on this counter!" I snap when Maggie comes running in back from her run with Mary.
"Miss Grayson!" She comes in holding a gun making Jared back down. "Oh, Mister Leto. I'm so sorry." She lowers the gun. "Miss Grayson I apologize."
"It's fine, thank you Mary." She nods before disappearing out the door.
"Why is your maid armed?"
"For the same reason half the country is armed." I say watching Maggie sniff Jared, interested in the new person.
"And who are you little cutie?" He asks bending down to pick her up making her yip and bite at his nose.
"Maggie, what a cutie." He laughs gently squeezing her making her excitedly bite at him again, trying to kiss him. I watch him indifferently. "So you really believe we didn't sleep together?" I roll me eyes exasperated.
"Why are you still on that?" He looks at me before looking back at Maggie, rubbing her fat rolls.
"I don't know." He mumbles quietly before setting Maggie back on the floor. "Maybe I should refresh your memory." I feel my breath catch in my throat when he comes closer to me.
"Sh." He shushes me before grabbing the sides of my face, cupping them in his warm calloused hands. He pulls me into him, his lips meeting mine in a rough, heated kiss. I moan gently, reaching up to grab his cheek, pulling us even closer, his long beard trapped in the gaps of my fingers. I pull away, pushing him back making him stare at me. "What?" He asks in a panting breath.
"Your girlfriend." I mutter.
"Yeah." He breathes. I can't do this, he's in a relationship, it can't happen again. Is what I think, by I find my body craving him, begging for his touch, and I can't stay away. It's like he's a magnet, pulling me to him with a force I can't fight. I close the space between us quickly, my lips meeting his hungrily. I need him. I want him.
Two weeks later...
I moan loudly when I feel his mouth leave a trail right down the center of my breasts, headed straight for my core. I let my thighs part for him making him chuckle, his lips vibrating against my skin, sending waves of electricity straight down my spine to my core. I bite my lip, pulling at the handcuffs he picked up a few weeks ago making me groan at the lack of touching. Is it bad that I miss pulling his hair and clawing his back? I pull again, growling lowly making him chuckle at me.
"What's the matter princess?" Other than the fact that we work together, you're a hot celebrity, you won't let me touch you, and all the other things I can't think about right now, nothing. I just huff biting my lip harder when he licks a stripe up to my belly button making me hiss. I try not to give into him, but it's so damn hard. I groan when he gently strokes the bundle of nerves between my thighs. I pull again, knowing the bruises I'll have from struggling so hard. "Stop it kitten." I moan gently my hands wrapped around the chain of the cuffs, pulling in a non painful way. He teases me for what feels like eternity before kissing his way back up my body making me moan. "You're always so loud, I love it." He chuckles kissing the side of my neck before gently biting down, my back arching into his body, pressing our bare chests together.
Over the last few weeks, or rather, since we started our little game of fun, showing up in the middle of the night at eachother's houses, his little girlfriend became little problem seeing how he got rid of her as soon as he could, since she sold us out to the press. We're not official because that's just gonna complicated the shit out of this thing, but he's single, I'm single, so why not have a little fun? I just need him when I want him, which is all the time. He's just become this drug in such a short amount of time. I'm addicted to the way he feels, the way he dominates me and I wouldn't give him up for the world. He lays beside me panting before reaching for the cuffs, unlocking me finally. I rub my wrists chuckling gently.
"Told you you'd worship me." He grins triumphantly.
"Hmm, is that what this is?" I chuckle. "Hm Jay baby." I pur, his blue eyes gazing at me, taking in every detail of my face when Maggie comes out of nowhere jumping on us, making us both laugh. This, is exactly where I need to be. Forever.

The End

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