{part 7}

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Warning: mild violence
I wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring Closer To The Edge, making me groan. I try to turn over but I feel something pull me back making me annoyed I peel my eyes open to find solid bare muscle. I flinch but the fast motion makes Jared groan, his arm pulling me closer to his warm flesh.
"Jay." I croak my morning voice making me sound weak. "Jay come on we're late." He groans before pulling me in tighter making it hard to breathe. "Come on Jay." I push against him making him loosen up, stretching. He grunts before looking at me.
"Morning kitten." He purs smirking at me.
"Morning my ass Jay. It's noon and you're supposed to be in front of a camera right now." I slide out of bed and grab my phone dialing the number for the shoot. "Jay come on." I whack the back of his leg making him groan before he sits up. "Hi this is Miss Grayson, I'm so sorry we're late, but we're on our way."
"Of course, it's no problem really."
"Thank you."
"No problem." I hang up yanking on my jeans as I grab a bra and sheer top. When Jared comes into my room in a pair of baggy pants, a t shirt, and his favorite embroidered Gucci jean jacket. I clip my bra right before he walks in, pulling on a black tank top and the light pink shirt. He hands me my Gucci snakeskin pumps so I can leave faster.
"Thanks." I smile leaning on him to pull my shoes on. He holds me steady and we finally head out the door. In the car I text and answer all the different things I missed in my little nap with Jared. I silently curse myself for allowing it to happen, but I can't complain, it might have been the best nap I ever had. He's so warm and welcoming but it's so dangerous to be close to him.
"You're surprisingly warm." He mutters playing with a Snapchat filter before turning it to look at me. I smile sticking out my tongue making him chuckle.
"So are you." I confess smiling at him as he plays with the filters making me a puppy.
"Do you like sleeping with me?"
"No." I chuckle.
"Rude." He coos as Jesse stops in front of the place to do the photo shoot.
"Come on you." I get out, him close behind people calling out to him. He waves posing for a  few pictures before I grab him pulling him into the building. After a long photo shoot we head back to the hotel to find Elliot in the kitchen.
"Look who's back. Have a nice day?"
"Sure did." I say smiling at him before looking at Jared.
"Good to hear kitten." He smiles at me brightly before turning back to whatever he was doing. "So look, I've got to go home tomorrow, so how bout you and me do something."
"I can't." I say leaning against the counter. He looks up at me, a cold hate hidden behind the forest green of his irises.
"Right, work." He tutts.
"I told you when we first started dating this is how it would be."
    "But you're neglecting your relationship, and let's face it Sav, I might be the only one that you'll have for a while. Not everyone's going to put up with you being with mister perfect all the time." He snaps storming out of the kitchen, making me sigh.
"Elliot." I call after him, following him into my room. "Come on Elliot, let's not do this when you go home tomorrow."
"Come on Sav, I'm competing with him and I'm losing." He says shoving his clothes in his suitcase.
"Elliot, this is me and you, you're not competing for anything." I say grabbing his arm, but he jerks away from me, hitting me in the process knocking me to the floor. I feel the burning pain ripple through my cheek where the back of his hand connected. The hot prickling tears stinging my eyes making my breath catch in my throat as I hold back a sob.
"Oh my God Savannah." He drops to his knees in front of me, reaching out to touch me but I pull away. "I'm so sorry, I swear I didn't mean to hit you, please." His eyes brim with tears as he looks at me, a drop falling down his cheek. "I'm so sorry." He says again, bowing his head in shame. I pull my knees up to my chest, letting my chin rest on them as the tears leak from the corners of my eyes, the shame burying itself in the pit of my stomach. He hit me, my boyfriend hit me.
    I wake up a few mornings after that having not heard from Elliot since the incident. I groan before getting up and preparing myself for the busy day before, applying makeup to my cheek so I don't look at broken as I feel with that bruise on my cheek. I hide all signs of crying myself to sleep for the second night in a row, pulling on my usual tough girl act before getting up, letting the peach lace dress fall down my hips. I come out to find Jared in the kitchen eating a tangerine.
    "Ready?" I question watching him for awhile.
"Hmm? Yeah." He says smiling. And before I know it, it's time to go home. I sleep for most of the plane ride, and can hardly wait to see my little angel again, just imagining her adorable little marbled face with blue eyes makes me feel giddy inside. I'm so childish, excited to see a dog. I tutt lightly as I walk across the airport, Jared at my side, photographers and paparazzi everywhere taking pictures and videos screaming Jareds name. We ignore them, making it to the car in no time, Teegan being there to pick us up, my back up driver, cause you can never be too prepared. We get in and I feel my phone buzz. 'Welcome back.' I stare at the text from Elliot, debating if I should answer. 'I'm really sorry about what happened, I love you and I understand.' I huff locking my phone before looking at Jared who's staring out the window. "I almost forgot what it was like to be here."
"Me too." I say yawning. "I'm so ready for a hot bath."
"Me too." He chuckles looking at me, his bright blue eyes shining. I smile at him gently in return before turning to look out the window. In no time at all we're at his house.
"Night Jay."
"Night Sav." He smiles before walking up to the front door stepping inside. I get in the bath when I get home, enjoying Maggie's company when my phone rings.
"I didn't think you'd answer." I hear Elliot say.
"Well, I didn't know it was you." I confess. I've avoided him for months now, but I can't hide forever.
"So... can we meet for breakfast or something in the morning? Just to... talk."
"--Yeah." I say after a long pause.

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