The powers of the undead

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(Kanna POV)
I knew something was up in the underworld. This is dangerous!
The underworld got a very powerful dangerous child. The job is to take care of it a calm it down. However, it isn't easy.
"It's a child that is scare and confuse." I say to the others.
"That's a child!" Riku says.
"It's huge!" Niko says.
"How do we stop it!" Hana says.
"We stop it by calming it down." I say looking out on the ally.
"Where is the child Kanna?" Hana asks.
"It's don't know do you have the job paper?" I ask.
Hana nods handing me the paper. I knew what it wants us to do.
"Okay I'm gonna call it over I need you to close your eyes and cover your hears! this can hurt you." I say.
"Everyone do what Kanna says!" Hana yells as she does what I say.
Everyone else does the same and I do the zombie's scream except it's more dangerous the I wink and my one eye bring a lazer. The child sees me I tell her it's okay. She sees the tattoo on my neck and starts to shrink and become thinner.
"It's okay love, come here to cousin Kanna!" I say in a cheerful less scary voice, holding out my arms.
"Can we stop doing this?" Riku asks.
"Okay let me check her." I say hugging and scanning her."You can stop now!"
"Aww! She is adorable." Hana says with googly eyes.
"Hana this is Asuna my new cousin!" I say hugging her with excitement.
"Kanna!" Asuna says.
"I love you Asuna!" I say smiling at her.
"I love you Kanna!" Asuna says giving me a hug.
"Here I have a welcome gift for you, but I need you to do what I do okay?" I say.
"Yes Kanna chan!" Asuna says.
I wink and a less dangerous lazer hits the key I'm giving Asuna. Asuna copies me.
"This is for you so when you want to see me you can just say open gate of life. A gateway will open and then you will say I command to see Kanna!" I tell her.
"Thank you Kanna chan I will see you soon." Asuna says.
"I have to go now you be a good girl listen to mommy and auntie okay." I tell her giving her a hug.
" Yes Kanna chan." Asuna says giving me a hug back.
"Goodbye Asuna! I love you!" I tell her as I get up from the ground.
"Goodbye Kanna chan! See you soon." Asuna tells me.
"Alright we all have to Hana okay?" I ask.
"Earth to Hana!" Riku says.
"Hana been in the same aww googly stances for the past twenty minutes when she saw Asuna." Niko says.
Asuna runs and gives Hana a hug. Hana passes out and Asuna giggles.
"Well guess one of you have to carry her." I say giggling with her.
"I'll carry Hana!" Riku says.
"Hey wait she is heavy!" Niko says.
However it was to late and Riku tries to carry her but fails miserably.
"Ow!" Riku says hopping on one foot.
"I trying tell you I'll carry her!" Niko says picking her up without any problems.
"Show off!" Riku says.
I open the gateway and we all head home. Hana wakes up and jumps of Niko and punches him.
"You pervert you could have woken me up!" Hana yells at him.
"Ow! My liver Hana you a jerk!" Niko says breathily.
I change my undead form into my human form. Yes! I am a zombie I died by drowning and got my powers in the underworld. Then I figure out how to go back to this world and got into the guild. Haha I guess you could say it's not that easy being me but at least I don't break!

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